I'm Victoria. I'm cool. I'm like no one you have ever met=]. My friends tell me that I remind them of a hyper active puppy. I obsess over strange things such as asian soap operas and things like how many hairs I lose when I brush my hair. Even though I'm 17, I still act like I'm doesn't help that I sound it too lol. I want to be an orthodontist when I'm older... but I'm currently in the process of getting my technicians license=] Why not familiarize myself with the drugs out there right ?haha This way if I ever wanted to switch careers I'd already have a head start.The people I work with think I have an eating disorder since I eat wayyy to much (I keep a stash of food in my lab coat to snack on constantly =]when there aren't any patients of course)but I guess I have a fast metabolism since I'm still generally skinny. They're paranoid every time I go to the restroom -_-. Future alcoholic? maybe ...probably. But until I'm 21, I think I'm just gonna keep it to a few glasses..I'm not perfect and I never wish to be, but hopefully someday I'll be able to find the one that will be able to stand my sass, put up with my odd demands lol and still love me for who I am. But for now I won't worry about things like that. It seems like I'm cursed for the time being. Something always seems to go wrong-_-. But no worries =] I will not give up ^^Pet Peeves
*The conceited
*Old guys who think its ok to flirt with 17 year olds-_-* Old guys who come in pissed off asking for their Viagra pills...eww gross*Smokers*People who can't say sorry*People who disturb my sleep*backstabbers=]GOALS FOR SUMMER
--Get fit ... go to 24 hour fitness for the right reasons
--Lose love handles well ok buy new pants=D
--Have fun in california
--do well at internship
--EXTENDED ESSAY crap ...get it done early--Get permit ...maybe in California and do a transfer sorta thing
--meet new friends
--Go shopping
--School supplies ...go buy them
--get senior pictures taken
--Clean room
--Go to YFC events more often
--Find a new obsession
--Go iceskating
--get organized for next year
--Print pictures to fit into new frames
--yearbook stuff with ARIEL
--hang out with VIJANILA hopefully
--Hang out with northsiders and southsiders
--hangout with next community neighbor hans
*and everyone else if possible
--Hangout with Arlene before I have to admit that I won't get to see her everyday anymore(arlene say aww haha jk )
--See little cousins every single day while I'm in California
--Attend stuco events if I'm in vegas
--Attend Key Club events if im in vegas
--take lots of pictures
--Go to the movies
--BUY A NEW MP3 PLAYER--decorate room a way that guests would never want to stay in I would never have to give it up
--organize pictures on PC(not going to happen )
--study/ review for next year
--Hassle mom till she pays back the $ she owes me
--Keep in contact with friends
--Not get tempted to cut my hair extremely short ...
--Watch as many soap operas as possible
--Learn new tricks on photoshop and hopeully find a version of cs3 that will last more than a week
--Kill off the party on my forehead
--Meet Vanness Ambrose Aaron and Lee Hom
--Find all old letters and throw them in the garbage can
--Be nice to everyone and everything I meet
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May 29,2007
LAYOUT BY: The East Coast