bryan . profile picture

bryan .

I am here for Friends

About Me

bryan .
B- beyond sexy.
R- really hot.
Y- younger than me :]
A- always lookin at my ass.
N- needs to holla.
B- buffy (:
R- Really sexxxxyY- Yeaauuuuhh, haha idk :]
A- Ammazingg! ?
N- Never ever ever ever ever uglyy (:
B- buff as hell
R- retarded
Y- (yackie? idk, wtf starts with y?)
A- and
N- never shows up to any hangouts with friends
B- best person to chill with
R- reckless
Y- youngg
A- asshole :D
N- never fails to be there for you (:
R- really buff
Y- young
A- ass kicker
N- needs a bad bitch
B- bodacious
R- really really really likes to wrestle
Y- yesterday he went to wrestling and ate
A- always never answers your questions
N- NOT a player ;] but we all know he is
B- buff
R- relaxed
Y- youthful
A- appealing
N- nerd
B- brilliant
R- resplendent
Y- youthful
A- attractive
N- nonchalant
B- brainy
R- reckless driver (soon to be)
Y- yearns for attention
A- always tired because he’s running in my mind
N- nasty
B- buff guy
R- reflective on things
Y- yay, the darkside is here. ;D
A- ace at shocking =)
N- nicest guy in the world (one of them)
B- big titties
R- really preppy
Y- youngster
A- a good grappler
N- nerd
B- bad ass g
R- really really nice
Y- young
A- ass kicker
N- nerd jk
B- bright
R- really smart
Y- young
A- ass kicker
N- nice
B- bully
R- really muscular, haha
Y- young..ish
A- addicted to myspace
N- nosey!
S - silly
H - humorous
A - (fl)asshole
N - nigger, lol jk
E - especially made by Bernard and Sherlla =)
B- Buff mother f*****
R- Really creative (SH-SH-SH-SHOCKER!)
Y- Yea crazy ass!!!
A- A-hole at monopoly =]
B- boy
R- radical
Y- yeast infection
A- awesome
N- NOT ugly.
B- Buoyant towards others & a BITCHass to jerks :P
R- Realistic with what you want in life
Y- Y geezy...(A Bitch, or someone who follows you around and wants to do what you do.) jk jk XD
A- Avengeful on the mat
N- Nigga lips ??? .. straight off ethiopia
P- Prowess against his opponent
B- buff & brilliant big brother(alexa & kyle's)
R- Really chill
Y- young
A- admirable
N- never boring
B- Buff body
R- Rough fighter
Y- Yo Momma!
A- Abundant
N- Nerdylicious.
P- Preppppy :l
[comment/message me one :)]

AIM ;xxi3izy4nxx

hackkedd by the exstalker meagan

this be meagan
aka mini hackin.. dis foo!! wuh a l0serbryan, this guy ihz a health freak y0..! so you knoe he g0ttuh.. be in shape right? ..n as an additi0n teh dat, apparently as you can see he be d0in.. dat brazilian jiu jitsu makin.. dem f00'z tapout , like wuh im finnuh.. d0 teh him. jk.. y0u kn0e i c0uldnt d0 that bryan ^.~ thiss buttcracker ihz heller sweet , so ladies, when y0u.. get duh chance. . .g0 ferr iht! gudd luck =] anywh0, he be gettin.. dat edumacati0n.. on at Valley. ( he actually d0es his h0mew0rk ;D ) 0h.. yea! he wrestles t0. dun chu juhz wannuh watch him tw0rk iht in dem tightz? im sure i d0!! jkeedin.. l0serbryan =] hehe he be havin.. dat flip &&; spanish bl00d runnin.. threw dem veins!! pshh, dawg, id tell y0u when his burrdai ihz, buh i dun even kn0e, heller gay!! ahaha i juhz remembered, 0ne time, we went teh duh wh 0rleans, n he c0uldnt even beat me at 0ne game xD heller funny, he thinkz he can still beat me, heller fun-aye! well, dihz ihz all i g0ttuh say ferr n0w!! ill be bakk teh hack.. in duh.. future!
♥ m e a g a n...
your EX stalker :]

Well, well, well, look who hacked Bryan. MAI MASSACRE BABYY! YEEAAUUHH. So anyways, Bryan is my boy toy, I keep him on a leash in a speedo. HAH, yeah right. Okay, so maybe he's just my exboyfriend who cheated on me in less than 24 hours who always gets "beat up" at Valley HS. (BEAT THE BRYAN UP, BEAT THE BRYAN UP! haha) Yes Bryan, we "feel" your muscles even though we barely get to look at them. (Don't look, don't look! Just feeel them... psychotic wierdo _ _x) Anyways, he's a friggin diet freak who probaby starves himself just to weigh as much as me, which is absolutely crazyyy. And for a boy, he has pretty big boobs. THEY ARE ALMOST AS BIG AS MINE, I MEAN COMMON NOW, I'M TIG OL BITTIES!! What's up with that?? Okay so back to the storyyy... I own Bryan, he is my prostitute. The End. Good night babes. :]HAKKKED.. BY MiZZ B E B E.

" BEAT THE BRYAN UPP... BEAT THE BRYAN UPP !.." what can i say ..bout this boyyy bryan ? DAMN, where do i even begin? well first off he..s a complete utter loser! but iHAKKED BY HIS GOOD BUDDY DAVE =)

DUDE....This guy right here, crazy Pencilosa man....He's awesome. This guy always makes my day a little more interesting with his crazy self you know? He's just so unique from the rest of us, cuz of his crazy Jiu-Jitsu, Karate stuff and he can totally kick anyone's anus, so don't mess with him, HE'LL EAT YOU UP SUKKAAAAA
....but yea man, he's awesome, to hang out with, always makes you laugh by doing something crazy, or hillarious without him knowing it, I guess that he's just so funny that he doesn't even know it, you know what I'm sayin' sayin'???? But yea, I guess this is Bryan Pencilosa......BEAT THE BRYAN UP, BEAT THE BRYAN UP!!!! I Luckin' Fove You man =)
Dave LacamabalacambacalacacallHacked by Randon!

Hm, ok let's see, where to start, haha, "Beat the Bryan Up, Beat the Bryan Up" - Created by me! Haha, well what else, this guy thinks buying
chocolate from someone is a way to a girl's heart, you fag, haha, no just kidding. What else, this guy cracks me up like some broken shelled eggs, especially in chemistry. He has cancer in the stomach with his lumps and such. What else, we always said the word "man" after everything we say, because of this one kid in our P.E. class, haha, well, yea, were mean... I remember everyday in Chemistry, he looked sad, so I always asked him if he was ok, and he said he was, but then yea...haha just kidding...again, psh psh, man i loved making that sound in math, isn't that right Bryan? But regardless, in any class you have with him, you can execute attack pattern Delta, then for sure you will get a good grade in whatever class you have with him ;). Then he talks about abstinence along with beating meat and stuff but I won't get into that, haha. Dude, I choke love you man! Randon aka Trickstar

My Interests

making people tapout .







My Blog


ill try to answer every question truthfully sooo knock yourself out take notes :]NOTICE: some of the answers to questions are out of date, like hints to who i like....
Posted by bryan . on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 10:54:00 PST