In 1993, in the city of Curitiba ( Brazil ), the friends Victor Schmidlin and Cicero Baggio,
both guitarists, decided to form a band, and invited the drummer Giulliano Settim , a friend of
Victor's. Thus, Wolverines was born. Some time later, the bassist Joao Koerner –
like Cicero and Victor, he was a pupil of the music teacher Mauricio Bastos - joined the band, which at that time had Victor as
lead singer.
In 1994, the band released its first demo tape, with 5 songs. After some shows
with Victor and Cicero as vocalists, the band decided to look for a more
experienced singer. Douglas Machado (former Icarus ) answered
to an ad and joined the band, which was renamed as Greensleeves .
In 1995, Greensleeves released its first demo tape:
Immortal. Recorded in Drum Studio, in Rio de Janeiro , the tape was produced by Marcelo Sussekind .
After this release, the band performed in many shows in Curitiba and other cities in the State of Parana ,
made very well in local festivals and signed with Franzine
Records, which soon after had
to close its doors. Working independently again, the band performed in many
shows in 1996.
That year, Victor engaged in a parallel project - as a drummer – with the
singer Mario Negrello . They invited Cicero to join in as a guitarist, and then invited the
bassist Carlos de Manuel (currently in End of Silence - www.myspage.com/endofsilence ).
The band was named Sinister Fiend. Soon after, the project released its only
demo tape, with four songs. The band was dissolved after a couple of shows,
with Victor and Cicero focusing on Greensleeves , and
with Carlos returning to his band, the former Near Sighted Voodoo Priest, with
the guitarist
Diogo Vianna and the
drummer Luis Requiao (former Shades Before Dawn).
A couple years later, Carlos, Diogo and Mario would
form the acoustic band Spacelord .
In 1997, Giulliano and Douglas left Greensleeves , being replaced by the singer Guilherme Nogueira (former Metallica Cover) and the drummer Luis Requiao .
With the new formation, the band began moving rapidly from heavy metal to prog metal. However, some time later, Luis would leave the
group to focus on his band, Near Sighted Voodoo Priest. Greensleeves
decided not to hire another drummer and recorded its second demo with computer
programmed drums. With 7 songs, the demo was recorded in Victor's home-studio.
In 1998, the drummer Rhandu Lopez – www.myspace.com/rhandumusic ) joins Greensleeves, but few months later the musicians decided to dissolve the band. One year after,
however, Victor, Cicero and Guilherme got together
again in a new band, which was named Zero-G. With a style between pop and hard rock
and letters in Portuguese, Zero-G was forced to break up after two years, when
Victor moved from Curitiba to Brasilia .
In 2001, Cicero replaced Diogo in Spacelord , joining the bassist Carlos de Manuel and the
singer Joao Claudio Albuquerque (who had replaced Mario). After some shows, the
band decided to " replug ". The guitarist
Ricardo " Ricachu " Seara
and the drummer Jose Planelles Gil joined the group,
which performed many times in Curitiba and also in Florianopolis . The band was dissolved in 2003, when the drummer
Jose moved from Curitiba to Ourinhos . Later that
same year, Cicero and the singer Mario Negrello
composed some acoustic songs together and recorded an independent CD called
Parallels, which was released in March 2004, a few days before Mario's moving
to Germany.
Also in 2004, in Brasilia , Victor and the singer Caio
Duarte formed the band Dynahead ( www.myspace.com/dynahead ).
For musical differences, the guitarist would leave the band in 2006.
Also in 2004, Cicero and Luis met up and considered playing together again.
They invited Joao and Guilherme , and then the
guitarist Juliano Domingos ,
and formed Maiden Reloaded, originally an Iron Maiden cover band which would
later include in its set songs of bands like Whitesnake ,
Guns N' Roses, Dokken , Van Halen ,
Bruce Dickinson and Rush, among others. In 2005 Guilherme
moved to Campinas and the band was dissolved. In 2006, it was Cicero who moved, from Curitiba to Rio de Janeiro .
In 2007, Joao and Victor met up, with Joao suggesting a return of Greensleeves with recording an album that would consolidate
the band's career. Victor, who at the moment worked in his solo album, agreed
and decided to add some old Greensleeves '
compositions to his project. Thus, the band came back to activity, with Victor,
Cicero, Joao and Guilherme - despite the fact that at
this moment they were living in different cities -, and began working on the
concept album The Elephant Truth, which consists of one song divided in 25
parts. The album will be released in 2008.
Em 1993, os amigos Victor
Schmidlin e CÃcero Baggio decidem montar uma banda, e chamam o baterista Giulliano Settim , amigo de Victor. Nascia a Wolverines . Pouco tempo depois, o
baixista João Koerner - aluno do professor de música MaurÃcio
Bastos, com quem os dois guitarristas também estudavam - juntou-se Ã
banda, que na época tinha Victor como vocalista.
Em 1994, a banda lançou sua primeira demo, com 5 músicas. Depois de alguns shows, decidem procurar
um vocalista experiente. Douglas Machado, ex-Icarus (banda de
certo renome na cena curitibana no final da década de 80, tendo aberto shows
para o Viper ), responde a um anúncio e junta-se
à banda, que passa a chamar-se Greensleeves .
Em 1995, Greensleeves grava
sua primeira demo , intitulada
Immortal , no Drum Studio do Rio de Janeiro, com produção de Marcelo Sussekind . A demo rendeu diversos shows pelo Paraná, excelente
colocação em festivais locais, participação em coletâneas do Sul
do Brasil e assinatura com o Selo Franzine ,
o qual pouco tempo depois encerraria atividades. Trabalhando independentemente,
a banda realizou diversos shows também em 1996.
Em 1997, Greensleeves tem
duas mudanças em sua formação. Giulliano
e Douglas deixam banda, sendo substituÃdos pelo vocalista Guilherme Nogueira, ex-Metallica Cover , e pelo baterista Luis Requião, ex-Shades Before Dawn .
Com a nova formação, a banda caminhou a passos largos do heavy metal tradicional para o prog metal. Porém, pouco tempo depois, Luis Requião
deixaria o grupo. Em conseqüência, a banda decide lançar sua segunda demo com bateria programada. Com de 7 músicas, a demo foi gravada no home-studio de Victor Schmidlin.
Em 1998, o baterista Rhandu Lopez – www.myspace.com/rhandumusic ) entra para a Greensleeves, mas alguns meses depois os músicos decidem encerrar a banda. Mais adiante, porém,
Victor, CÃcero e Guilherme optam por voltar a reunir-se para compor, e criam a
banda Zero-G . Com um som
entre o pop e o hard rock e letras em português, Zero-G vê-se forçada
a encerrar suas atividades um ano depois, com a mudança de Victor de Curitiba
para BrasÃlia.
Em 2001, CÃcero passa a integrar a banda acústica Spacelord , com o baixista Carlos de Manuel (atualmente
na End of Silence – www.myspace.com/endofsilence )
e o vocalista João Cláudio Albuquerque, banda que mais tarde decidiria " des-desplugar-se " e passaria
a contar também com o guitarrista Ricardo ' Ricachu ' Seara e com o baterista José Planelles Gil. A banda encerraria
suas atividades em 2003, ano em que CÃcero e o vocalista Mário Negrello decidem reunir-se para
compor músicas acústicas, o que culminaria na gravação do CD independente Parallels , com 8 músicas, lançado no primeiro trimestre de 2004.
Também em 2004, em BrasÃlia, Victor cria com Caio Duarte a banda Dynahead ( www.myspace.com/dynahead ).
Por diferenças musicais, o guitarrista deixaria a banda em 2006.
Paralelamente, também em 2004, CÃcero e o ex-Greensleeves LuÃs Requião decidem voltar a tocar juntos e convidam João e
Guilherme para integrar uma nova banda. Ambos aceitam o convite e, com a
inclusão ainda do guitarrista Juliano Domingos, nascia Maiden Reloaded ,
originalmente criada como uma banda cover
do Iron Maiden , mas que mais tarde passaria a incluir em seu
repertório músicas de bandas como Whitesnake ,
Guns N' Roses , Dokken ,
Van Halen , Bruce
Dickinson e Rush, entre
outras. Com a mudança de Guilherme para Campinas, em 2005, a banda encerra
atividades. Em 2006, CÃcero mudou-se para o Rio de Janeiro.
Em 2007, João propõe a Victor o retorno de Greensleeves para a gravação um álbum que
registrasse os trabalhos da banda. Victor, que no momento trabalhava em um
álbum solo, concordou e decidiu agregar algumas composições antigas da Greensleeves ao seu projeto. Com
isso, a banda volta à atividade, com Victor, CÃcero, João e Guilherme - ainda
que morando em cidades diferentes -, e inicia a gravação do álbum
conceitual Elephant Truth , que consiste em uma grande música dividida em 25 partes, com
previsão de lançamento independente para o inÃcio de 2008.