Rader profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Born and raised in Anchorage Alaska, lived there 14 years. Moved to Medford, MA for 2 years before moving to Murfreesboro, TN and been there ever since. I'm an Alaskan Commercial Fisherman during the summer (if you've seen the movie the perfect storm or that show on the Discovery channel... basically that except for Red Salmon instead of crab or marlin). I'm really big into self-improvement, physically, mentally, and spiritualy. In my opinion you can always do better and become more than you are. "If you cannot find the teacher, then you must teach yourself."

My Interests

Marathons, Reading (You know BOOKS), writing, (OFTEN), weight lifting (See Writing..), friends, etc, etc, and all that generic stuff...

I'd like to meet:

People that are interesting... not just think they're interesting...As far as friends go it doesn't matter what you look like, what your opinions are or anything like that. I'm a pretty easy going and accepting guy and I love a good argument! I hold no standards when it comes to giving people my attention and time as long as they want to be my friend. (that just sounded bland but for the lack of any better words...)


Well... I listen to rock for the most part, big Linkin Park fan... I really do like all kinds of music. Though I'm not a big fan of bluegrass I can sit through it without any discomfort I just don't go out looking for it. Blues = good Classical = Awesome Country = Sometimes good Rap = usually good Rock = awesome Techno = awesome (sandstorm biatches!)


I LOVE MOVIES! ALL MOVIES!! Love the classics too. I think I'm the only guy in the world who has ever sat through Gone with the Wind by himself, uninterrupted let alone watched the NoteBook alone just to see what the big deal was. Some of my favorites though: The Counte of Monte Cristo (the book is sooo different...), Fightclub, The Rock, The Last Samurai (am I the only one that cried at the end of that? someone back me up here...)


Smallville, SouthPark, and Family guy odd combination but hey...


Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, The Raising of A President, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, The Giver


Heroes help us rise up and aspire to something greater than ourselves and at this point I have no heroes. I have ideals from different people that I aspire to but no one person I know is able to fill this spot.

My Blog


Woooow been a long time since I did one of these.. I guess I haven't really cared about myspace much recently... been on facebook a hell of a lot more often...So I'm back in Alaska.. seeing family and...
Posted by Rader on Tue, 13 May 2008 12:40:00 PST

I need more pictures

Bad. All I do is steal them from my friends. I need a camera or a photo shoot lol
Posted by Rader on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:16:00 PST


PLEASE be courteous to runners. Especially when it's below freezing in the dark. PLEASE pay attention and don't nearly run us over. I got "bumped" by a car today and I really really don't want to be "...
Posted by Rader on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 04:05:00 PST

Deleting Friends... Again...

Listen... you raren't going to "get your myspace deleted unless you repost this bulletin"... you're not going to "get a call from the one you have a crush on in 15 minutes" if you repost the bull...
Posted by Rader on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 09:17:00 PST

Alaskan Scout Masters... MY former scoutmaster...

Michael Shibe... wow... I'm sure you guys have heard by now about the scoutmasters from Alaska that were electrocuted at the national jamberee. Well Michael Shibe was my old cub scout master. It was s...
Posted by Rader on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


I'll be leaving for Alaska on the 20th and I'll be back on the 19th, a day before my birthday! So yeah, I'll bring post lots of pictures of where I grew up, family and friends, and all the beautiful p...
Posted by Rader on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Thoughts On Circumstances

BEFORE YOU READ, ONE THING TO REMEMBER IS THIS: "Pray like it's all up to God, Work like it's all up to you." (keep in mind!) Basics of this Post: New Blog sites, Book review/Thoughts on circumstances...
Posted by Rader on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST