Member Since: 7/1/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: P. Emerson Williams
Demimonde Mesila Thraam
Influences: Experiment Haywire , James Joyce, Current 93, Coil, Killing Joke, Voivod, Celtic Frost, Christan Death, Sleep Chamber, Throbbing Gristle
Sounds Like: Who are you, what do you want to know, and why?
Maybe you wonder what in the 31 varieties of Baskin-Robbins Hell " Xeno " is, or if you are really brave, are curious about what it sounds like ...or if it has any potential side-effects, what the contraindications are, what not to take at the same time you're ingesting it...what it could do to your brain, body, and your potential to produce viable offspring--if you're crazy enough to want to raise KIDS, instead of raising energy vortices, demons, consciousness, etc. in the first place. ( We're not. We'll stick to raising Hell and switching it with Heaven and seeing if anyone can tell them apart.)
~ Choronzon ~
P. Emerson Williams, D. Monde Thraam,
and Choronzon Itself
Produced in 2005, this double album was the first collaboration of the two Choronzons as one. The entire project involved several very concentrated and protracted ritual effectuations, some of a somewhat meta-political nature, and others far more esoteric and internally-focused. Collaboration was all done via the medium of Internet and the invisible 333 Current. The two-disc work was completed hours before Hurricane Katrina went aground...making it the second Choronzon album to be followed by a major natural disaster within hours of completion.
Until CDs are available, the entire double album, including the half directed by P. Emerson Williams, Complicity Simplexity and that directed by Thraam, New World Chaos, can be downloaded in its entirety on this page or wander through the galleries that start thiswaywards ; each track on both sections has accompanying text (some terse aphorisms, some verse, some prose, and Thraam's digital hallucinography.
Choronzon [ East ]
P. Emerson Williams
Where it all began for the "eastern" Choronzon. The most black metal-centric of the Choronzon works, it goes beyond the limits of the genre, and doesn't settle for the cliches. Fast, hard, raw sound carries the tracks to their target-zones; even appeals to individuals thoroughly bored with "metal" of any stripe.
The classic early Black Metal/Industrial album: driving, frenzied, and corrosively toxic to the hypocrisies of the "modern world" which have been so corrosively toxic to us all.
The Choronzonic influence takes over...the black-metal sound fights back hard, but here and there, begins to give way to something else entirely, finally dying lovingly in the arms of a thing darker than itself; something even more out-of-control, more blissfully and blasphemously spastic and spasmodic. The sound gathers itself through its own vortex and comes out of it in steady, ritualised, untapped power. Underlaid and overlaid with the seeds of cryptovox - the voice of our Entity, or maybe your ownEntity...delivering messages for you that only you can decipher. Noisy, disturbing, not for squeamish or terminally "default-ness"-addicted. (Psychosis Ex Machina is reported by the Namesake Entity to be one of its special favourites among these treasured instantiations that are these inspired manifestations of this cthonic presence - heading straight for your "comfortable" reality zone.)
With Panic Pandemic, the process begun in the prior album continues and complexifies. The skeleton of the creature Psychosis Ex Machina devoured and subsumed is now transmogrified into an armature of bones on which is hung a mage-fetish, an effigy-object of sacrifice: standing for what? Western Civilisation? Your inner soul? The "Revolution"? All of the above? All of the below? The reality-twister that is the artist/mage in cahoots with cohort Choronzon, madly and yet with infinite care decorates these remains with the detritus of cultural effluvia turned inside out, into caricatures and mockeries, ornaments of fear, disdain, madness and love, carrying memory-imprints of notions, persons, lives, and what happens when such are turned against themselves and drained of purity of essence. Some of these ornaments have mirrors at their centres in which you'll see a familiar face. Stare too long into them, and you may scare yourself blind...but if you dare not look, you might just be, already.
This album release isn't merely a bunch of "songs" but an elabourate interplay of word, sound and image, heralding the direction of Choronzon's future, reaching out far beyond the limits imposed upon a "rock band".
Panic Pandemic is two CDs - a double-album of moving music and noise, resisting all genre-labels, while engulfing and digesting same into itself. - The audio comes bundled with a full-colour print book by P. Emerson Williams, an accomplished artist as well as noisician, which features his artworks in both oil and digital formats, with the sort of paper quality and printing they deserve. Though it's the size of a "coffee-table" book, it's not just a bunch of pretty pictures. Textuality runs through and around the images: a twisting, interleaved alternation of monologue and moodscape that just might scare the living shit out of you. And you thought you didn't scare easily? There's a first time for everything... A rare experience, not to be missed.
Film made in Germany, based on the Warhammer 4000 milieu. with characters and situations from the game. Material from Psychosis Ex Machina was chosen for the soundtrack.
Demitria Monde Thraam
It was MIDI-sequenced on a very early version of Performer on a Mac IIci, hooked up to a Mirage sampler and an effects-box that could wring a slim fraction of the wonders of today's VST philtres upon sound. Also used was "Hell's Picnic Table" (a metal table, sans umbrella or legs, painted with the Choronzonic triptrigram and stood on its side, with contact-microphone taped to it, making fingertaps into thunder. One track enlisted the aid of bass guitar from Jan O. Sanguine of Katharsis - the most hard-edged, passionate "old-school" of San Francisco industrial bands in the late eighties and the only one known to involve a female frontwoman. (Katharsis' red-and-black and Choronzon's characteristic yellow-and-black were "the colours" of sheet-metal-bashing, amp-blowing industrial in those days.) With accompanying text, Xerox graphics...and one hell of a story about what happened the day the album (and its accompanying hoodoo) were finished. All tracks are downloadable and the textual inserts scanned for display . Though first ill-fated, Zero Divided By Infinity is proof that a thing once thought gone forever sometimes won't be.