The empathic grasping of the current state of the world and subsequent debasing of the known human world which culminates into not only why you are vortexal in composition, yet in addition why everything around you is even more so vortexal in composition and futhermore why I even notice the presence of your gravity in relation to the gravity of all else that sucks.
The culmination of the essence of life, the universe & everything in a tight mini-skirt.
Cool Hand Luke - Explaination not needed, if you don't know why this is one of the best movies in the whole world, then you need to move to someplace akin to perhaps Mississippi or possibly Arkansas as you are more likely to find individuals whom you can cohabitate and identify with.
Television is the Great God of Morons. I'm sure you all remember them in school, quoting different broadcasts, in order to garnish friends. While there are a few shows which really inspire, which really make you laugh, most of them suck one larger than Tommy Lee's.
Ender's Game, The Gunslinger Series, Nine Princes of Amber, Still life with Woodpecker, Hitch-hiker's Guide to the Galaxy. The assortment is rather juvenile, yet each has its own sense of surreality that leaves a taste in your head that can be frequently recalled. It's like tainting yourself with novelty, but in this the taint feels good afterwards.
Any Female Porn Star- Thank you for making my teenage life a hell of a lot more bearable. While I'm sure it was mighty uncomfy to take it where and how you did, my humble thanks go out to you. It was appreciated, more than a couple of times. Magazines should come with hand wipes, it's only logical.