My friends. parties. Raves. Music. Stars. concerts. driving. coloring books. music. tattoos and such. art.
You? In a guy? Hmm...Someone that can toss pizza dough...what? its hot!!lol.
ELECTRONIC! DnB.HardCore.Breaks.Whatever, just spin that shit!lol. MUSIC IS LIFE. Punk rock. Ska. old rock. Rock/alternative/whatever the fuck they call it these days. Jimmy Buffett(lol).
ETERNAL SUNSHINE...Detroit rock city... Anything with Hobbits, doctors who take bullets out of their own stomachs, Edward Furlong, Umpa-Lumpas, loud explosions, sappy love songs, crazy drug addicted people who meet a girl and solve all their problems, knights who formerly said nee(i just realized that i have no idea how to spell nee, so i apologize monty fans), crazy people, bruce willis, pet monkeys, and that one fancy word for prostitute(refrence to moulin rouge)...Oh, how silly of me i almost forgot... "You also made a big mistake...You forgot to flush." And how rude of me to forget "Satan is in the kitchen...he killed my mom, and turned her into a bull..." And of course the best movie of all time has this quote(and a talking rabbit) "Smurfs are a-sexual, they don't even have reproductive organs under those little white pants.That's whats so illogical about being a smurf... Whats the point of living if you don't have a dick???" (Personally I don't know cause i don't have a dick...) Oh and did i mention the ultimate best movie of all time...Nope well if you catch my drift, it's about making soap and fighting...If not then what are you doing? Go and watch fight club... right now...Oh ya...pulp fiction is amazing!!!And of course, boondock saints is the shiot!...well that is by far not all but i dont wish to bore.
Don't really watch too much T.V. anymore...Pretty much just adult swim and simpsons i suppose.
Hmmm... Party Monster Fight Club Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Shakesphere manga Dean Koontz And more...
Aaron King. For saving me from the most fucked up bullshit I've had to go through in quite some time. 05.07.07 Crystal Chamberlain. Because you were the best girlfriend ever. and you used to sit by my side through everything.i miss you... 05.07.07 Danatello. For taking care of me when i had a little too much.You wer there for me when i couldnt walk, thought ui was dying, and all sorts of messy-ness. 12.15.07