I am an Actor, a Voice Over Artist and avid Bridge Player. Well let's put it this way, Ethel took me in the last two games, but I am going to make a comeback.
I just downloaded 397 punk rock songs. I listened to 3.
Does John Hughes count? If I said Empire of The Sun would you think I'm a softie?
Ok. here we go. Officially, Battlestar Galatica (new verison), Lost, Heros, and pretty much half of what's on HBO. Unofficially: Everything that is on televsion until 3am... except the missing half of HBO.
Sometimes I do read.
Dustin Hoffman, Jonny Depp, Julie Dench, Cate Blanche, Kate Winslet, Bill Nighy, Micheal Stipe, Paul Rudd, Chris Cooper and the whole cast of Matewan. And Stu. And my cat Orson... She's famous.