IM a sIMPLe girl! yOU KNow! soMeTimes MY Hair's Messy. soMetimes MY clOthes are wRINKLed! MY mouth soMetimEs stinKs. sOMetimes I Fart iN pUbliC plACEs. I buRp a lOt! I can go Days withOUt cLEanINg MY roOM! I laugh a lOt. at sTUpid things maiNlY. sOMetimes Im lATE. sometimes I bREak PRomIses. Im Not maTErialiStic. i CaN shoP at the tiangis! i can WAtch da samE moviE Over and oveR again! i siNg.. but Im nOt REallY gooD at it. i CAn sit iN mY dirty living roOm and NOt caRE! i Have FeeLIngs just lIKe anY other Person! i Can driNK 40's. IM a lOver nOT a fighter. I soMetiMEs doNt wear Deodorant! Im lAzY. and LIKe to sLEEP a lOt! Im a dRunkIe! i Have goalz. Im weiRd and RandOM! I love and Miss MY famiLy. IM in Love wid MY boO JOnaThan!
alL In alL Im jUst me!
ThEre's SOo mUCh mOre AbOUt mE. but IMa stoP Here! soO:
OH and IF yalL dont lIKe me! ha! yOU can FUk OFf. and suK it. shIIit!
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