body boarding, photography,skating,and surfing,gator football.!!
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tru talent. I like alot of stuff. hardcore,grindcore,reggae,70s rock and rap. BANDS: BOXELDER, BOB MARLEY,Damian Marley,stephen marley julian marley,b unny wailer, staind, atreyu, coheed and cambria, Dream Theatre, the used, thrice, thursday, chiodos, circle takes the square, underoath,the bled,horse the band, the moldy peaches, pink floyd, the Doors, The greatful dead, foxy shizam, 311, the radiofix, vanna, Look What I Did, Bela Kiss, folly, The Blackdahila Murder, Fear Before The March of Flames, THE NUMBER 12 LOOKS LIKE YOU,Posin the well, Converge,Heavy heavy low low, Tower of Rome, DR. ACULA!,Shark punch king crimson,papa roach, eric clapton, and alot of other stuff (if i forgot eny tell me)
superbad,lords of dogtown,grandmas boy all the star wars moves, all the lord of the ring moves,zero or die,the surrfers connection, and alot of other shit.
wild boys, jack ass,and that 70s show,history channel,fule all that good stuff.
the little engine that could,whose promised land.?
Chad parker.