Benjamin profile picture


Moi, je supose....(?)

About Me

un gars bannal, amoureux de theatre et du cinema (d'ailleur j'en ferai mon futur metier). je vis a Dakar pour le moment... D'origine Australienne (Donc Bilingue French/English)a guy bannal, in love with theatre and cinema (of aillor I will make my future trade of it). I live Dakar (Senegal) for the moment… I've Australian origin

My Interests

Theatre, Cinema, Voyage, Copain/Copine, Weekend, dormirTheatre, Cinema, Voyage, Buddy/Girlfriend, Weekend, to sleep

I'd like to meet:

Des gens sympas, et le petit papa noelSympas people


Bonobo, April March, Oasis, Pink Martini, Arctic Monkeys, Laurent Voulzy, Alain Souchon, Manu Chao, Ultra orange, Telepopmusik, Coldplay, Mathieu Chedid, Michael Jackson...


Il y en a tellement...


Urgence, Lost, How i met your mother, Dirt, Friends, Les Simpson...


"Les mots" de Jean Paul Satre


Quentin Tarantino