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About Me

Chris Carree was born in Paris and grew in a "a big mixed and wonderful family" has he used to say. After a training in classical guitar started at the age of 9 years, he experienced drums and performed with the Official Clara's Band when he was 17 years old, "I wasn't and still not really a drummer but we gave some memorable shows. I keep some drum traces in my guitar and bass playing today". Life has conducted him to Dublin, New York, Memphis, New Orleans and London to feed with music and enlarge his vision out of Paris. "Open your mind and your heart, play with passion, strength and sincerity" are key points of his musical and life approach. Thanks to a friend musician and producer, he met Jeff Brodnax, a fabulous artist living in New York who has introduced him to the team of John Legend. Another amazing experience. Chris has collaborated with artists like LBJ, MC Chackal Bob, Alex Mac Leach, Graine de Baobab, Sawl Project, "going from pop, rock, rap, hip hop, soul...there is no border for music". Now working on Sawl Project new album. Photos by Nadia Peron / William Klein

My Interests


Member Since: 15/06/2007
Band Members: "LBJ" : Antoine : bass / Chris : guitar & vocals / Fab : drums / Yves : piano / Alex : guitar; "SAWL" : sings on "You stole me"; guitar, bass & piano by Chris / "MC Chackal Bob" : le fonds, le flow / Graine de Baobab : hang

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Influences: A rythm, a bird, a stone...never ends up!
Record Label: None
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Finley Quaye - Even After All One of my favourite mellow groovy song
Posted by on Mon, 11 May 2009 16:36:00 GMT