music,movies,bike riding
Anyone who's not a JERK!
Produkt,CircleJerks,Mile Marker, TeamSleep,Tricky,Fishbone,Hot Snakes RedSparowes,Tomahawk,Paw, Pharcyde,YoungBuck,JanesAddiction, DeLaSol,JohnSpencer,Deftones,Misfits, Danzig,FaithNoMore,Bungle,BloodBrothers, Ignite,JohnnyCash,AuntHildegard,DagNasty,The Stooges, 7Seconds,BobMarley,MurderCityDevils,Mike Patton, At the Drive-in,DeathFromAbove1979,Bad Brains, Please Mr.Gravedigger,SmokeorFire,Jon Benet,Made Out of Babies, ,HotSnakes,ButtHoleSurfers,BounceingSouls,Produkt,Object, Refused,InternationalNoiseConspiracy,RocketsFromtheCrypt, SuicidalTendencies RULE!! Vaux,O.D.B,MileMarker,Dean Martin, Louie Prima, Sinatra,ETC.... My guilty pleasures: Lisa Lisa and the CultJam and Expose. Whatever you love em too !
BarFly,BottleRocket,Buffalo66,Hated GG Allin, CooleyHigh,DolemiteHumanTornado, IchiTheKiller,Sante Sangra,Beverly Hills Cop, Freaks,HalfBaked,EdwardScissorHands,EdWood, Salo,Freddy got Fingered,The Machinist Fear and Loathing In LasVegas,WonderBoys, ManBitesDog,PinkFlamingos,ETC......
Kids in the Hall, the State, Dave Chappelle, What's Happening , Aqua Teen HungerForce ,Ren and Stimpy, Moral Oral,Family Guy,The Office, Otherwise I watch the Discovery channel or History Channel cause tv sucks.
GeekLove,DiamondDogs,TheAnthem, Charles Bukowski,Robert Pinsky . I'm not gonna try and make it seem like I'm more intellegent than i am so I'll just stop there.
H.R Mike Patton