Music and Sport really, not a massive amount else. Obviously there is the compulsary "hanging out with mates" and "drinking/socialising" but everyone says that so I'm going to be really extreme and not put it...
I'd like to meet:
I wouldn't mind meeting anyone. I am pretty open-minded so there aren't alot of people I would take a dislike to, unless their pass-times include hanging around parks, swilling cheap, co-op cider over each other whilst initmidating any hapless person who decides they want to walk home that way.
I don't mind "emo's" too much, as quite a few of my friends fall into this category and they'll stay there unless they start putting their screen name is "iHaTeMySeLfAnDwAnTtOdIe" or "iHaTeEvErYtHiNg".
So anyone really I guess...
I like loads of music and it would be impossible to name every band that I like, so here is a quick generalised list:
Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Mars Volta, Jaga Jazzist, Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Jimmy Eat World, The Prodigy
As above, far to many to mention:
Last of the Mohicans
The Green Mile
The Shawshank Redemption
Family Guy, The Simpsons, Neighbours, The Fast Show, Never Mind the Buzzcocks, 8 out of 10 cats, and the absolutely AWESOME SOCCER AM
"The Courtneys" by Wilbur Smith
"Bravo Two Zero" by Andy McNabb
And other books by the above authors!
There are many people that I admire and respect, but no-one I would call a "hero" as such. I guess if I had to say someone, it would be my parents who have sacrificed alot to send me to University, and also my Uni friends who make Uni what it is, and my home friends, who are always such legends and make home a perfect place to return to.