+nAwaL.LOVES.aCap+ profile picture


me want HIM!

About Me

[One day I woke up] [woke up knowing today is the day I will die] [hard days made me] [hard nights shaped me] [I don't know they somehow saved me] [I'm making something out of this life they called nothing] [I'm not much a poet but a criminal] [how many special people change] [how many lives are living strange] [I took a walk with my fame] [down memory lane] [ I thought that I heard someone say there's no time for running away now] [some might say that sunshine follows thunder] [some might say that we should never ponder] [some might say they don't believe in heaven] [I think I've got a feeling I've lost inside] [I think I'm gonna take away and hide] [I'm thinking things that I just can't abide] [all your dreams are made] [when you're chained to the mirror and the razor blade] [please come with me] [see what I see] [touch the stars for me for time will not flee] [if I could be the lesson that you learn] [you learn if only] [I could be the last one that love burns] [it burns] [say you would] [say you could] [say you'd come and stop the rain] [say you'd try and hold me tight] [don't pretend to hold it in] [just let it out] [don't you try to hold it in] [just let it out] [and it's one more day to paradise] [one more day to paradise] [I see a red door] [I want it painted black] [I see a line of cars] [and they're painted black] [I look inside myself] [and I see my heart is black] [it's not easy facing up when your whole world is black] [am I more than you bargained for yet] [I've been dying to tell you anything you wanna hear] [I am more than you will see] [I am more than you will need] [I am more than you will see] [more than wanted] [come original] [you gotta come original] [everything we do we gotta come original] [put your hands up in the air and prepare for battle] [amber is the color of your energy] [my intuition tells me] [that this relationship's not working] [but we] [pretend we're better off not knowing] [am I talking too fast] [I got a lot to learn] [and I will never see the sky the same way] [and I will learn to say goodbye to yesterday] [and I will never cease to fly if held down] [I've seen twilight] [how ever far away] [I will always love you] when I feel everything in my life's a mess] [and I can't lift my head up above the rest] [when all I touch I can't hold on to] [then I cover my eyes] [and try to picture you] [just like I predicted] [we're at the point of no return] [what's your definition of the one] [what'd you really want him to become] [no matter what I sacrifice] [it's still never enough] [I have been down this road before] [and each time I run] [when I should walk] [I held my heart out in my hands] [and you pull me down each time I stand] [it's not everyday you wake up and admit who you really are] [do you see her when you see me] [I'd rather be who you think I am] [and see myself through your eyes] [keep quiet] [nothing comes as easy as you] [can I lay in your bed all day] [I'm two quarters and a heart down] [and I don't want to forget how your voice sounds] [these words are all I have] [so I'll write them] [I've got a dark alley and a bad idea that says you should shut your mouth] [love is passion] [knowledge is power] [see my freestyle with dead rappers] [when I can't write]

My Interests


¦mY loVe¦ ¦bLogGy bLoG¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦MysPacE¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦fRieNdstEr¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY phOne¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦cAmeRas¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦PhotOgRapHy¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦cAmeRa acCesSoriEs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦cDs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mP3s¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦dVds¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦CeLebriTy fiTneSs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦wRitiNg¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦dRawiNg¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦sCriBbLinG¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦sKetChinG¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦pOoL¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦FoOsbaLl¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦maKaN¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦tidO¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦dRumMerS¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦eMceEs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦giGs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦eDitinG phOtoS¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦kAcaU abG¦ ¦LepAk ngAn LaN¦ ¦mY 4 bEst buDs¦ ¦nAbiLah¦ ¦SafFy¦ ¦fAtiN¦ ¦aLiA¦ ¦thE bAbiEs¦¦ifFah¦ ¦nAna¦ ¦yaSmiN¦ ¦nOrmAn¦ ¦aMaD¦


I'd like to meet:

¦mY loVe¦ ¦HiM¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦wEirDos¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦WacKos¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦gEekS¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦nErds¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦eCceNtricOs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦pOseRs¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦sTaLkerS¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦fReaKoS¦ ¦mY loVe¦

¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦

¦aDd mE¦ : ¦[email protected]¦


¦EagLe eYe CheRry¦ ¦koRn¦ ¦311¦ ¦aLl AmeRicaN reJecTs¦ ¦FalL ouT bOy¦ ¦LenNy kRaviTz¦ ¦CheMicaL bRotHerS¦ ¦mY chEmiCaL RomAncE¦ ¦deLinQuEnt hAbiT¦ ¦OasiS¦ ¦MuSe¦ ¦nAugHty bY NatUre¦ ¦EdGe of FiRe¦ ¦LovE me bUtcH¦ ¦siLent sCreaM¦ ¦dVs¦ ¦7coLlaR tShirT¦ ¦teLebUry¦ ¦gSc¦ ¦SjC¦ ¦rAscaL fLatTs¦ ¦¦RaNcid¦ ¦7wOrds¦ ¦sYsteM of A dOwN¦ ¦GreEn daY¦ ¦112¦ ¦niNe InCh nAiLs¦ ¦iNtrOspEct¦ ¦AcroSs fiVe ApRiLs¦ ¦bLinK 182¦ ¦CranBerRies¦ ¦daMn DirTy aPeS¦ ¦diSagrEe¦ ¦goO gOo doLls¦ ¦gOod CharLotTe¦ ¦inCuBus¦ ¦LifEhoUse¦ ¦LoS loNely boYs¦ ¦sTainD¦ ¦aVenGed sEvenFoLd¦ ¦sLiPknOt¦ ¦tHirD eYe bLinD¦ ¦yeLloWcaRd¦ ¦the list goes on and on¦


¦hOneY¦ ¦u gOt sErveD¦ ¦LOTR¦ ¦heLlbOy¦ ¦mAdhOusE¦ ¦wRonG tuRn¦ ¦rAts¦ ¦MonSteRs iNc¦ ¦sHreK¦ ¦ThE butTerfly eFfeCt¦ ¦haRry poTteR¦ ¦ciNdeRelLa stOry¦ ¦swEet hOmE aLabaMa¦ ¦eLla eNchaNteD¦ ¦eNouGh¦ ¦sEeD of cHucKy¦ ¦wHitE chiCkS¦ ¦MaN on FiRe¦ ¦ceLluLaR¦


¦TRL¦ ¦gLobaL rOoM RaidErs¦ ¦rOmeO¦ ¦cSi:LV¦ ¦cSi:NY¦ ¦cSi:MiaMi¦ ¦GreY’s aNatOmY¦ ¦rOckStaR inXs¦ ¦pUnk’D¦ ¦uNdeRcOveR¦ ¦tRu caLlinG¦ ¦rAy¦ ¦OC¦ ¦sO LitTle tiMe¦ ¦nUmb3rS¦ ¦nAtuRaLly sAdiE¦ ¦fRieNds¦




¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦ ¦mY loVe¦

¦nAbiLah¦ ¦faTiN¦ ¦sAfFy¦ ¦aLia¦

¦nAwaR¦ ¦aiN¦ ¦aD¦

¦aJey¦ ¦gEe¦ ¦fiFi¦ ¦bOy¦