MMA, traveling for free, reading, partying hard enough that I have to apologize for it. Photography, great conversation, discovering the fakeness in people, and calling them out on it. I like to eat out a lot, and road trips are always fun. I like video games but not as much as I use to beI AM
MEGATRON Take the Transformers Quiz
Your Love Style is Manic
For you, love is the ultimate rollercoaster
And you love to hold on tight and enjoy the ride
Every time you fall in love, it feels like the first time
And while it's exciting and exhilarating...
It's also stressful and scary!
What's Your Love Style?
You Are Bert
Extremely serious and a little eccentric, people find you loveable - even if you don't love them!
You are usually feeling: Logical - you rarely let your emotions rule you
You are famous for: Being smart, a total neat freak, and maybe just a little evil
How you life your life: With passion, even if your odd passions (like bottle caps and pigeons) are baffling to others
The Sesame Street Personality Quiznot sure I like this, but oh well
You Are Wind
Strong and overpowering
A force to be reckoned with, no one dares cross you
You have the power to change everything around you
You are best known for: your wrath
Your dominant state: commanding
What Type of Weather Are You?
I would like to meet anyone who would like to meet me but more specifically RAMPAGE,Mumia Abu Jamal,Immortal technique,MF Doom,Beth Gibbons,Sammuel Jackson,Kelly Henley(re-meet),myself a few years ago,robert anton wilson,the ghost of christmas past,
A diverse mix of Hip-hop, Rap, Johnny Cash, and DSSB. With a bunch of Mos def and portishead mixed in. With a little bit of Techno on the side, followed by some old school r&b like mid-90's...when it meant something.
Transformers the movie The Spook That Sat By The Door Boondock Saints Berry Gordy's the last dragon Butterfly effect Donnie Darko The Mack Dolemite(all of them) The 5 deadly venoms Pulp fiction derailed Biggles Breakin 1 and 2 what dreams may come running scared Lucky Number Sleven Crank(have to love the absurdity)
I try not to watch, but if I have too. It is the Shield, and adult swim, and CNN and any Law and Order, and almost anything on the food Network
You know it would be real snobbish to put the ones I have read. Just rest assure that you have never read them so NAh! No really...
Optimus Prime, Chad Mercer, Cornel West, Huey P. Newton, Jack Johnson(the boxer), Kermit d. Frog, B. Nichols(you have to be educated to understand this), The cast from Warriors, and KenNitro.