Pantaloons von Braithwaite profile picture

Pantaloons von Braithwaite

Cut the Baby in Two

About Me

When I was little I strongly identified with that song "House of the Rising Sun." Something about that just doesn't seem right and is, in fact, troubling.

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My Interests

Cultural History. Theology. Art. Getting drunk on Champagne and taunting my cat's gender identity.

I'd like to meet:

This Harri Ramlakhan fellow and his squashes and tomatoes:


Booker T and the MGs


The Squid and the Whale. Last weekend I watched that documentary "Born Rich"... all about rich kids in NY. Yuck. Get it together rich folk! I don't care if you're loaded... that's awesome for you, but try not to be so repugnantly ignorant in your interactions with everyone else... and each other.


Planet Earth, BIG LOVE!!!!!!!!!


Wow! So exciting:Historians often assume that they need pay no attention to human evolution because the process ground to a halt in the distant past. That assumption is looking less and less secure in light of new findings based on decoding human DNA.............. Neither microcephalin gene turned up in Dr. Pritchard’s or Dr. Williamson’s list of selected genes, and other researchers have disputed Dr. Lahn’s claims. Dr. Pritchard found that two other microcephalin genes were under selection, one in Africans and the other in Europeans and East Asians.Even more strikingly, Dr. Williamson’s group reported that a version of a gene called DAB1 had become universal in Chinese but not in other populations. DAB1 is involved in organizing the layers of cells in the cerebral cortex, the site of higher cognitive functions.Variants of two genes involved in hearing have become universal, one in Chinese, the other in Europeans.The emerging lists of selected human genes may open new insights into the interactions between history and genetics. “If we ask what are the most important evolutionary events of the last 5,000 years, they are cultural, like the spread of agriculture, or extinctions of populations through war or disease,” said Marcus Feldman, a population geneticist at Stanford. These cultural events are likely to have left deep marks in the human genome.


Santiago Calatrava.

My Blog

I finally got a studio

On a lighter note, this has nothing to do with my rants of the past 24 hours....I finally procured an actual painting studio! No more painting in my bedroom!! And it only costs me one homemade meal pe...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 04:01:00 PST

AAAAAND "Partial Birth Abortions"

What a fucking crock. Have I mentioned I want out? If you don't know about this ban here's a great reference: n.htmThank you Supreme Court. I'm so glad...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:47:00 PST

Gun Control

Absolutely. Gun control.Beyond that, would anyone, I mean anyone at alllllll like to address the deeper fucking issue of what the hell is the matter with our country? Most people want semi-automatic w...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 03:49:00 PST

Dear Elderly Chinese Ladies from Wednesday and Elderlies in General

While I appreciate that the most important thing in life is to ensure a seat on any form of public transportation, I do not feel that it is necessary to elbow me in my ribcage in order to acquire a se...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 02:20:00 PST

My new obsession... GARAGEBAND

Okay, here's the deal. I love garageband. A LOT. I mean, I loved my casio in junior high and all, but CHRIST. This is great. One problem though, I can't figure out how to get the exact club hit I want...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 08:28:00 PST

Wow. Wow. the funniest shit I've ever heard.
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Sun, 26 Nov 2006 10:43:00 PST

Dear Prague

Your buildings are breathtaking. Your mulled wine is delicious. Your cobblestones are pleasing to the eye. I would, however, prefer if your people could hold off on the heap fulls of undeser...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 05:56:00 PST

My new zine, art book thingie

To be entitled " A Case History of Entitlement. Part One: Customer Complaints in the Bay Area."I'm compiling the most infantile, petty, and whiny customer complaints I can find on my job's web site, b...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 10:58:00 PST

Bad Theater is like a fever dream

Seriously,A 'Mother Courage' understudy asking asking for lines is not actually Brechtian. That's just a bad job. It's also confusing when all the other actors performances are stilted to compensate f...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 10:15:00 PST

"Pot Crops Destroying Bay Area Parks!"...The King Solomon Quandry

But, how can you choose, San Francisco? How can you choose? One of the two things you love most is destroying the other! I mean, parks are places you go on sundays to smoke weed, drink various alcohol...
Posted by Some Girl in New York Stole My Name on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 07:41:00 PST