♥ViRiDiAnA♥ profile picture


Be ThE cHaNgE yOu WaNt 2 sEe In ThE WorLd...

About Me

DeRz @ tHoUsAnD yOuZ dErZ OnLy 1 Of Me!Da NaMe Iz ViRiDiAnA n ItZ uNiQuE JuZ lIkE mE! DiZ yEaR Iz GoiN bY sO fAsT n AlOt Of GoOd HaZ cOmE wiT iT! I hAvE a WoNdErFuL fAmIly N bOyFrIeNd DaT i ThaNk GoD 4 EvErYdAy! FrIeNdz DaT i LoVe N CaN CoUnT oN nO MaTtEr WaT! Im SoOo ExCiTeD cUz I jUz GrAdUaTeD...cLaSs Of 07! Im NoW aTtEnDiNg CoLlEgE n I hAvE aLoT oF gOaLz, DrIvE, a GoOd MiNdsEt n AmBiTiOn WhiCh ArE gOnNa GeT mE wHeRe I nEeD 2 Be In LiFe! Im LoViN LiFe n HaVe No CoMpLaiNtz Or ReGreTz...Im DoNe LoOkIn BaCk OnLy LoOkIn ToWaRdZ My FuTuRe...I dOnT hAtE n E oNe! BeCuZ hAtE gEtz U nO wHeRe! KnOw DaT! My PaGe IsNt BlOcKed Cuz EvEry1 iZ wElCoMe...LiVe,LaUgH,n LoVe ♥

My Interests

♥ DiZ iS mY bAbE...OnE oF dA mOsT pOsItIvE peOpLe I nOe! He CaMe InTo My LiFe UnExPeCtEdLy N wHo WoUlD oF KnOwN hE WoUlD bE dA oNe 2 MeNd My BrOkEn HeArT! I tHaNk HiM 4 hElpIn Me SeE dA bRiGhTeR sIdE oF tHinGz N LeTtIn Me NoE dAt EvEryDaY iS a NeW dAY n Da PaSt ShOuLd B lEfT bEhInD...nOw I jUz LoOk ToWaRdz My FuTuRe n MaKe Da BeSt Of LiFe! N wE HaVe GoD 2 tHaNk 4 pUtTiN uS iN eAcH oThErZ pAtH...

I'd like to meet:

♥ ThE tAsK AhEaD oF yOu Is NeVeR aS gReAt As ThE pOWeR bEhInD yOu...

♥ FrIeNdLy, hUmAnItArIaN, hOnEsT, LoYaL, oRiGiNaL, InVeNtIvE, iNdEpEnDeNt AnD iNtELLeCtUaL


BrAnDoN WiLLiAmsMy BoO!FlOyD MaYwEaThEr!




♥ My PuPpY SiMbA ♥First of all my hero is my DADDY! I grew up a daddy's gurl and dat will neva change...I love him 2 death and appreciate everything hes done for me n our family...I'm so proud of him and wat he's become! Next theres my MOMMA...we dont agree on much and argue all the time but i noe she does it cuz she cares. Next ders da SISTERS...Mayra thanks lotz 4 bein here 4 meeh wen i needed yooh da most n 4 givin me rides everywhere...haha Love ya! N den ders my lil munchkin Aliya! Shes da cutest n smartest lil gurl ever...Now theres my bestest friend Alex...which is juz like another sister 2 me! I've known her my whole life n shes knows everything about me n has been here 4 meeh through good n bad times...love ya 2 death!