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About Me

MinimumSpace..sGraphicAuditoryRepresentation The aim of this site is to be a platform an mean to let know to everybody about the visual art and sound ensemble. Visual Composition.: The visual work has a specific way tematic different one to other, wich produces a integral group of ideas and feelings to your being by using different techniques. Auditory Composition.: Every month do will get a sound ensemble and music recomendations such ass techno & house, wich use like concept reference to silence as base to minimum expression and essential of the music, under the construction of a complex structure of the sound from the simplicity. Art is a human necessity.MinimoEspacioDeReprecentacionGraficoAuditivo Este espacio util tiene como objetivo cumplir la funcion de ser un medio y plataforma para la difusion de toda expresion de arte visual y ensamble sonoro. Composicion visual.: La obra visual cuenta con un sentido y tematica divergente una con otra lo que genera un complemento integral de ideas y sentimientos a tu ser. Utilizando distintas tecnicas aplicadas. Comoposicion auditiva. Cada mes se muestra un ensamble sonoro y recomendaciones de musica techno y house, que utilizan como referencia conceptual al silencio como base para la expresion minima y escencial de la musica, bajo la construccion de una estructura compleja del sonido desde la simplicidad. El arte es una necesidad humana.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/13/2007
Band Members: If u became interested in this works or construction site...please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Influences: noise AND silence. abstract AND concrete. darkness AND brillance. all AND nothing. minimum AND maximum. absolute AND relative. form AND amorphous. reality AND imagination. temporary AND permanent. red AND white. death AND life. unknown AND welll - known. generality AND particular. minus AND plus. negative AND positive. duality...
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

$ex $ecret$ (Meet real people online)

http://ZUyImmABX681jonlDf.com.ZUyImmABX681jonlDf.com.MANDYLO T.COM/images/1/index.html?ZUyImmABX681jonlDf.com.ZUyImmABX68 1jonlDf.com I had to tell you about this great hook up site. I joined it las...
Posted by Yadir on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 09:36:00 PST

I’m nawty let$ hook up tonight

http://6VQNuOHlwN37jE6E5j.com.6VQNuOHlwN37jE6E5j.com.demogra phic-data.net/images/1/index.html?6VQNuOHlwN37jE6E5j.com.6VQ NuOHlwN37jE6E5j.com All I can say is wow. I joined this great date/hookup s...
Posted by Yadir on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 04:46:00 PST