Bowling!!!! SPORTS (MudHens, STORM, Tigers... games),music,TMV, anything fun....
Paula Creamer...and some new>
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Pretty Much anything.... not classicalI am worth $2,462,954 on
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Adam Bender.. Gave me a new outlook on life....
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Comedy,Sci-Fi, Horror and Action...
Family Guy, Prison Break, 24, SportsCenter
Dont read much.. but there are a few good books I like...
My Uncle (8-9-61 * 8-21-04) Nana (9/17/?? * 7/10/07) Anna Elizabeth (6/25/88 * 7/10/07) Charlie Fackelman (10-3-88 * 6-16-06) Stevie Beale-Jason McElwaine ... Jordan Sigalet ... True Hero for anyone..Stephanie Muranyi (she has a gambling problem).lol.. Superman-BatMan-Spiderman-Jimmy Dean-Carly St John- Lauren Webber - The Toledo Christian Varsity Volleyball Team - TCS Student Section - Liz Rex -