SkateBoarding + my skateboard + Konzis everywhere + Friends + Demos + lOve my MoshPit + HardCore + Direct Actions + FIGHTWHITEPRIDE
HardCore/OldSchOOl/BeatDown/CRUST / Grind/Noise/chaoze/Rap/Electro/THRASH--------------------Com mon Enemy, Vitamin X, Contienda Libertad, Commander Control, Casey Jones, Guns Up, xGracex, Tackleberry, Six ft Ditch, RAMBO, the first step, Sidetracked, Mortal Agony, Limp Wrist, Make it Count, Go with fourteen O!, Gtuk, Egotronic, Germlin, Antitainment, ChaoZe One, Sgz, KIZ, a beautiful lotus to much violence.
pulp fiction - crank - american hardcore - 28 weeks later - Splatter.....
Hat er net, klingt komisch is aba so!!!