Coming home from work and getting some sleep. watching TV with my Mom ( I am such a momma's girl), going to a GOOD church and hearing a GOOD word. hearing some very profound and philosophical. talking on the phone with my bestfriend. watching scary movies or anything to do with the paranormal (SCI-FI). reading urban novels. taking naps when it rains. going to work because I actually love my job. smiling. and of course DOING ME!
I'd like to meet:
There are so many people I would love to meet but I can not name them all but I will name a few: I would love to meet Will Smith and Jada-Pinkett Smith, John Cena, Kane, Triple X, and the Undertaker from WWE, Wendy Williams, Angela Bassett, Vivica A.Fox, Queen Latifah, Mo'Nique, Kelly Price, (if he were still alive) Marvin Gaye!!, LL Cool J, Barak Obama, George Bush just so I can smack the hell outta him and spend like the rest of my life in prison for doing so, Bill Clinton, Rick Hilton (only because my b.f has met him), the urban renaissance man, and many others.
old school joints and 90s r&b and hip hop
todays hip hop and r&b
contemporary gospel
neo-soul music
anything scary
anything romantic
not too many comedies<<..
Jis forJoyful
Eis forEdgy
Sis forSilky
Sis forSultry
Iis forIrresistible
Cis forCourageous
Ais forAstounding
HBO's Def Poetry
In Living Color
Flavor of Love
VH1 all day
Food Network
Flavor of Love 1 & 2
Charm School
any movies in TNT & TBS
Name Jessica
Street Name(Nickname) I dont have one Now What how gangsta is that lol
Favorite Thing About Being Black I have to say because I am a female, I love my figure and my skin blacks age so gracefully
Style Of Dressing simple jeans and a screen tee
Favorite Brand of Clothin baby phat and torrid
Favorite Rapper HOVA and Biggie all day
Favorite Rapp Label Def Jam
Favorite Beat Producer Pharrell and Jermaine Dupri
Slang Word U Use The Most I am from Jersey, I'll let you think about that
Ghettoest Thing U Ever Done A lot of things I use to do was ghetto but now everything I do is grown and sexy
R u Ghetto (1-10) Ummm lets see I give myself a 7 1/2 because I only act that way when need be
Ever live in the GHETTO? Jersey City!! now I let you decide if where I was raised is ghetto
Do u now? now I live in the damn suburbs mayne
U LIKE CHICKEN?? hell yea i am black a like it died, fried, and laid to the side with some mac and cheese lol
HOW BOUT COOL AID?? hell yea my fav is lemonade folks
Favorite cool aid flavor(color)? i like lemonade
Do no wat the Piggley Wiggley iz? yes its a store that can be found in southern states
U like 50 cent? naw sorry
Have u eva been robbed? naw
What dont u like about white peeps?lol? a lot of them are really fake and dont let me catch a chick or a dude acting black that irks me
Skyscraper, HeatSeekers, Sisters of the APF, Afterburn, Nervous all by Zane, the girl has skills!
Disappearing Acts by Terry MacMillian book was so good i read it twiced then turned around and hated the damn low budget movie they made out of it
And Waiting to Exhale-which was a better read than to have watched it!
Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement.
You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you.
By establishing this deep connection quickly, people feel under your power.
And then you've got them exactly where you want them!
..What Is Your Seduction Style?
MY mommy
My grandmommy
Martin Luther King
Malcom X
Maya Angelou