Created by Kasey Bomber (with some assistance from her derby wife Evil E) The Rolling Blackouts started as the official drinking group of the Los Angeles Derby Dolls - however since inception 'membership' has grown far and wide. Banked, flat - wherever women (and a some men too) roll that's where you will find members of the Rolling Blackouts!
YOU know who you're probably wearing a button so that everyone else will know it, too (you might have had a drunken Evil pin it on ya.) The Rolling Blackouts aren't a team, they aren't a league, they're a gang united by Roller Derby, and the sweet burn of too damn much whiskey. They're making out in the bathroom, waking up with unidentified bruises, instant best friends, skating away a hangover, and remembering it all because thank god someone had a digital camera to catch it in the act.
That's right, you know who you are. It all started on a fateful van ride from Los Angeles to Arizona, where 8 fifths of Jim Beam were the Derby Dolls' co-pilots and it continues on every weekend where ever there are roller derby girls horrifying bar owners, yelling on sidewalks, and getting drummed out at last call.
Now lets get one thing straight, the Rolling Blackouts aren't here to promote drunken roller skating. We're just a group of roller derby women who oftentimes appreciate a strong drink after a tough practice and an even stronger drink after a roller derby bout.
So stand up shakily and be counted (twice on account of double vision)!! Viva La Rolling Blackouts!