Standup comedy, Pirsig's conclusion, comics, the Cold War, Aristotle, bad movies, Miyamoto Musashi, British cooking, Rome, the Irish, medieval combat, St. Paul, beer, military history, talk radio, HP Lovecraft, Gilded Age politics, guns. Somebody ring the geek bell.
The Monty Python crew before the gay guy died, Caius Marius, and any of the lovely ladies I see in these rap videos. They seem to be a lot of fun. Oh, and Jared Leto. I bet I could fix that nose of his with a couple hours and a tack hammer.
Mid-90's rock that came out when I was in high school, plus anything loud. Beastie Boys, Dead Kennedys, Tori Amos, Chopin, WC, Santana, Igor Stravinsky, Smashing Pumpkins, Gypsy Kings, Mindless Self Indulgence. And why did musicians stop playing the hollowed-out fish? I love that thing.
True Romance, Reservoir Dogs, Scarface, Sugar and Spice (seriously, give it a chance) Apocalypse Now, Office Space and The Professional.
Most of TV is bad, but oh, The Office gives me the vapors. I am also developing a love for the Colbert Report that threatens my heterosexuality.
The Door's "Waiting for the Sun": I know it's not a book, but this is MY space. Paradise Lost, Slaughterhouse Five, Still Life With Woodpecker, Shibumi, Girl Goddess #9, Les Fleurs Du Mal, The Preacher Series, Sandman, anything by John Keegan. I don't like Dostoyevsky: bring on the hate mail.
"Paradise Lost's" Satan, Lycidas, Garth Ennis, Marcus Aurelius, George S. Patton, George Carlin and my brother James.