iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR profile picture

iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR

I gOt My OwN LiFe N i BoUgHt EvErYtHiN thAs iN iT sO iF u WaNnA b W/mE AiNt BoUt ThE bLiNg U bRiNgIn

About Me

* cOmPLicAtEd * OuTgOiNg * sTrOnG * cArInG * LoVeAbLe * sHit...HaTeAbLe...LoL * vULnErAbLe * uNsToPpAbLe * sMaRt * mOdEsT * tHoUgHtFuL * LoUd * and *vErY aMbItIoUs...iN a GoOd tYpE oF wAy...LoL *
♥ I LuV ♥
My parents
The ppl that REALLY know me
A great quote, lyric…
Anything inspirational to get me going
Acoustic music
REIK…especialmente ChUy! CHULO!!!
A funny movie
DaNe CoOk
The color green in any shade but in $$ form is even better…lol
Learning new things
Writing nonsense !!!
Calendars n Agendas! ;)
The rain
The snow
The stars
Especially TJ…lol
Road trips
Tecate! Lol
Baby showers…like CeLLa’s … ;)
Happy couples
Couples in ♥
Walking on the beach
Watching the sunset
Riding quads
Taking risks
Make more $$$$
Debate…not argue…DEBATE!!! hahaha
Agree to disagree
Think outside the box
I ♥ to LAUGH, LIVE, n ♥!!!!!
and let me tell u...i come from the GHETTO and yes...u can take the girl out of the ghetto but not the ghetto out of the girl! but u can also become more and still be true to ur roots! dont let that SHIT confuse u! i dont go around talking shit to ppl but if the problem comes to me, i DO solve it! whether its by brushing u off cuz u aint NOTHING...or confronting u! BLACK or WHITE...ALL or NOTHING! ThAtS Me!!!!
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My Interests

I am incredible, so unforgettable So no one can take my place I am unbreakable, highly flammable So, girl, get outta my face Oh, we got 'em going crazy Maybe coz we so amazing Everybody in a daze And that's the reason why they hating Treat us like some superstars And only coz that's what we are Ya know we going really far, And ya'll ain't even heard it all
"tHe LuVs Of My LiFe" PaBLo RuBeN n GaViN pHiLLiPe On 4tH oF JuLy iN hUnTiNgToN bEaCh!

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I'd like to meet:

pEoPLe wItH aMbItIoN 2 b SoMeOnE n SoMeThInG mOrE tHaN tHe AvErAgE pErSoN...PeOpLe ThAt R mOtiVaTeD 2 cHaNgE tHeIr LiVeS n ThE oNeS oF tHeIr FaMiLiEs tHrU sELf ImPrOvEmEnT n WiLLiNgNeSs 2 LeArN sOmEtHiNg NeW eVeRyDaY!iF uR LoOkInG 2 HoOk Up 4 tHe MoMeNt...JuSt DoNt Do It...Im OvEr aLL tHaT...iM oN tHe LoOkOuT 4 bEtTeR tHiNgS iN mY LiFe 2 b StAbLe w.My FaMiLy! dOnT wAsTe Ur X, BuT mOrE iMpOrTaNtLy dOnT wAsTe MiNe!!!!!i NeEd A LoT oF LuViNg n AtTeNtIoN...sO iF u CaNt GiVe Me ThAt...dOnT bOthEr...rEaL wOmEn nEeD rEaL mEn! ;)
DaNe CoOk*****hEs HoT & fUcKiN' FuNnY aS HeLL!!!!


...No OnE cAn EvEr GeT iN tHE wAy Of HoW iM fEeLiNg...

n NoW iM rEaDy 2 b XtRaOrDiNaRy!!!!

cOmO sIeMprE ... HoY eStOy PeNsAnDo eN Ti...tOdAs LaS pALaBrAs K dIjImoS y LoS bEsOs K nOs DiMoS...cOmO sIeMprE ... HoY eStOy PeNsAnDo eN Ti!!!

mIs DiAs SiN tI...CoMo DuELeN LoS dIaS siN tI!!

mE dUeLe AmArTe...sAbIeNdO k Ya T pErDi!

...iTs A bEaUtIfuL LiE...

pArRaNdErA , ReBeLdE y AtReViDa!!!!

wE wAnNa LeT gO, BuT iT fEeLs 2 PuRe...wHo wAnTs 2 b AlOnE iN tHiS wOrLd? I sTaNd On My OwN, iTs All mE...rEgaRdLesS oF wHaTeVeR tHeY cAll mE! iM a LeAdEr NoT a FoLLoWeR, n Id RaThEr B pAiD n PoPuLaR!


Too many to name...but I do love Constantine and u can imagine why can't u? But of course, both Gavin Rossdale and Keanu Reeves r in it...oh yeah...and I guess the story line was pretty good, right?*

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My ONe aNd ONlYsPonGebOb!!!!


Dean R. Koontz, Stephen King, Anne Rice...mostly! Oh yeah, and my PSYCHIC ability! Other than that, the last time i read a book was for Biology class during Spring!


mY FaMiLy!!!

::: mY bEsT fRiEnDs :::
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::: CeCi :::

::: mY iNsPiRaToRs N mOtIvAtOrs :::

My Blog

MaRcH mAdNeSs

so far... SO GREAT!!!!i couldnt have asked for a better so grateful of the ppl that stuck with me thru those hard moments without judging me for a minute!  THEY r my true friends...n i ...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 12:13:00 PST

RaNdOm ThOuGhTs 2007

so i miss the wrong ppl sometimes, what's wrong with that? so i make mistakes all the time, what wrong with that? i dont influence anyone to do anything...i just give advice based on my experiences in...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 04:20:00 PST

A dReAm iS a GoAL wItH a DeAdLiNe!

well im sitting here...and today, no matter what small BULLSHIT that isn't worth my time talking about has happend, turned out to be one of the BEST days of this month for me.  For those who dont...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:31:00 PST


i treasure my treasures like nobody else i cant hide these feelings i feel deep inside. so why do i feel so lonely? why do i feel sad? if i have so many treasures to help me move on? i honestly ...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Tue, 03 Jul 2007 09:55:00 PST

nOw Ur GoNnA mIsS mY LuV...

"My LuV"I ride like a soldier Put nothing before ya Anything you ask I'll be right there to do it But if I react you tell me to relax Don't need to take it back Cause boy you put me through it ...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Fri, 18 May 2007 10:28:00 PST

La 5tA eStAcIoN!

went to see La Quinta Estacion in San Diego this weekend!  For those who know who the band is...i just gotta say, the vocalist, Natalia, is a great performer.  She has a great sense of humor...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 09:14:00 PST

wHaT gEtS mE tHrU tHe DaY!

Whats this blog in dedication to?  I dont even know...all i know is that im at the point of where i can write and write some more so it doesnt matter what it if ur not ready to hear a bun...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 03:34:00 PST

NeW yEaRs...

well it's finally here..2007! and i have a great feeling about it!  so far i've come a long way and i have started to make those so much NEEDED changes to make OUR lives better...meaning, me and ...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 04:38:00 PST

tHnX 2 eVeRyOnE...

...i was inspired by ANGIE(thnx, chick!!!) to write this, since she wrote something very heartfelt...a tearjerker if i may!  thnx!  thnx to everyone...including the ppl that ...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 12:20:00 PST

bY pOpUlaR dEmAnD "FiNdIN' a MaN @ a BaR, OdDs R gOoD, BuT gOoDs R oDd!!" LmAo ThNx MaRleNe!

Well its finally here...another labor day...seems like i look forward to this day more than my actual also seems like i have more fun and feel better on this day than on my birthday...bu...
Posted by iMa LeAdR nOtA FoLLoWr N iD rAtHR b PaiD n PoPuLaR on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 03:29:00 PST