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I wonder who this person is, and if she knows that not only is she sniffing some rock candy, but she's putting myspace up her nose....that could be dangerous!
I've been riding longer than most people have been alive, my hotdog days are over now sadly, shunt prevents me from doing dumb stuff anymore, now I just enjoy the ride, anyone want to learn or go for a ride? I just love to get out and feel the wind on my face...
Some things I like to do; obviously snowboarding, pretty much anything outdoors - camping, hiking, fishing, not a hunter though. Painting when I get time, go out dancing, hang out with friends, letting the sun beat down upon my face, stopping to smell the flowers ha ha ha, there's probably a dozen other things so just ask away....
My FUCK YOU list
These are people or things that for some reason continue to remain in our lives for no real good reason other that to piss us off, by no means am I a hater, but come on WTF over what are you thinking? Feel free to let me know of anyone or thing that pisses you off and would like to add to the FUCK YOU list...
1. MTV - and anything associated with them, you stand for MUSIC TELEVISION not crap TV, when was the last time you played real music (not crap) on you program? Oh wait you also have M2, more crap! The Real World, Road Rules, Luguana Beach - yeah I've heard of them, had to flip through them who wrote this donkey shit?!? I know who watches it...get a life!
2. Paris Hilton - Why do you think she's funny or cool, she makes fun of you and thinks that's hot, let's send her to the sun for research and see if we experience warmer weather for a few months. She can't act, she can't model, and for god sake's she lousy in bed for what purpose does she serve? Give a girl who works her ass off a chance instead, her time is up!
3. Commercials - I will buy your crap if I want to not because of a commercial, they only want me not to buy your stuff cause you waste my time and you bore me with really dumb slogans. Ever notice how commercials tend to get louder than the show your watching?
4. Rude and Pissy People - Hey pull the thumb outta your ass, or your head same difference! You have an attitude and want to be mean? Step up I'll slap the fun bug back into you, or just knock the shit out of ya! Stuff pisses you off, get over it, we ain't here long enough to worry about stupid things. And if that don't cure ya, walk off a cliff and spare us all.
5. VH fucking 1 - Music first my ass! Where'd the music go? It's all reality TV and "what happened 20 years ago" over and over and over and over, it's worse than a radio station cause you know when the program is gonna be on. Did they secretly conspire with MTV to put the really bad crap on they're station that MTV wouldn't play?
6. False Impersonators - Fuck you very much! It must be working cause as soon as they send me an email to say Hi, I wanna screw your brains out, they must read this and pull their ad, for BULLSHIT! Anyone else get these? Some hot looking chick says "Oooo I really like your page, my name is Makayla and I'd like to get to know you more, I'm not on here very much but my email address is..." They're pretty funny cause I can tell they're fake, first off hot chicks talking to me? Ha! Second, when your from Russia and you can't type a gramatically correct sentence do you think I want to share genes with you? "I speak Don't much english" Bye bye, Crack head! If I move to germany I'd better damn learn the language!
7. White people who think they're Black - You are not fuckin Gangsta, your Girlz aren't Bitches, they're idiots like you, but they ain't bitchez aye? What are going back to? 3rd century? Women are property in the Muslim world, go live there and see how funny it is! Black people have soul, you listen to it and pretend to be a thug. Don't be proud to pretend to be a way of life that some have to struggle just to stay alive. Oh and cause you dated a black guy doesn't mean your down with the people.
8. Work-a-holics - 'Nuff said, you work your ass off for the bigger better dollar, for what so you can have a bigger house? Fuck that! What are you gonna do with that house when your dead? Great you became the youngest MBA on wallstreet so you can suck up to who? What's that gonna mean to anybody when your dead? Nothing, put it on your head stone I'll piss on it for you to keep you warm. Oh your gonna be president? Then fix my TV! Why work your tail off for someone/something that could care less for you in one way or another. My company just eliminated our whole pension program cause the CEO has to get his $1,000,000 bonus this year, I'm 31 years ols, do you think I want to spend the next 30 years sitting at a computer or whatever and burn up my life for what a fuckin corporation? Hell no, now I no what your saying, but we need to live and eat and blah blah blah! Well that's fine, work and make some money, but have fun, don't stress over the fucking stupid shit or the job, if you don't like what your doing get the fuck out, downsize if you can't afford the mansion no more, fuck the wife 3 times if she starts to nag how you need money so she can buy more material bullshit and send her packin! But if you believe this is the route you must take - work 14+ hour days 7 days a week type of crap than FUCK YOU! I want to party, get drunk every now and then and maybe see something nekkid! I don't want to say every time someone asks me, "what you been up to?" and answer "been workin" tired of it, my golden years start right now! Now who's with me?
9. Anti-lock brakes - like the guy who designed a 3 lane highway system that bottlenecks down to one lane, who came up with this genius idea, not only can I not stop when it's slick, but now I have the extreme pleasure of being awake, actually shaken awake when I get ready to slam into the car infront of me (not saying I sleep at the wheel). Anyone else here a supporter of these? Cause the retard of the year award goes to the guy who came up with this brilliant piece of shit!
10. Asshole people - Like rude and pissy people these people need a good foot to the ass too! I ask for little in this world, I'm nice and I treat people with respect, but when someone who's galactically stupid and thinks for what reason I don't know, that's it's cute to play games, say like keep my stuff and not return it when I ask, or breaks things I've borrowed to them and don't even mention that they should replace it, I get a bit ticked. I'm not happy or proud of it, but there are large holes in Bosnia and the former Soviet Union where people used to stand, do you really want to piss me off? Not that I would, but c'mon people pull head out of ass and use some common freakin' sense, this shit ain't hard unless your a duh-duh-duuuuh! I think there should be a bitch-slap law, you be an asshole you get bitch-slapped it's that easy. Maybe wake your dumbass up too!
11. Myspace people with one pic in their profile - Maybe you think it's cool to be on myspace, it's the thing to do right now, well shit any hillbilly can now go .. and put up a page, yeehaw! If you are an unoriginal idot with no concept of how to do anything, go back to the chat rooms where you came from. Those stupid advertisements to make your boobs or penis bigger, your the dolts that click on them.
12. Drivers - Enough said, but here are the real cake eaters... 1. People who pull out at the last moment, then you have to slam on your brakes and they look at you like your the fuckin' idiot. 2. People who "cruise" in the left lane, I have actually talked to these people on why they do this, their answer, "I can drive where I want" Go live in Los Angeles where it's bumper to bumper all day and go drive where you want! 3. Blinker people, those who leave them on forever, this means your not paying attention to what's around you and I'm gonna die! Or there are those who don't even use them, like I'm supposed to all of a suddenly know your getting over and I'm supposed to move out of the way.
13. People who cannot spell - It's cute when a 2 or 3 year old can't do it, but most of you inbreds are old enough to vote for the wrong guy, yeah there are some words that are harder to spell, but come on not every other word, and getto talk - holy shit! Don't get me started there, but alas this is the world we live in, know what I mean, I just hope the person operating the crane over my car at the construction site doesn't type R U 4
14. Reality TV - and any donkey who thinks it's cool to be on them. Not only does this show how stupid we have evolved into, but it also shows how easily people will stab you in the back for no reason what so ever, or lie just to weasel their way out of a problem they have created. After the show has run it's 12 months of boredom take everyone from the show and put them on an island with all the rest of the assholes from all the other reality tv shows and call it cannibal island, let them eat each other or create alliances to gang up on the weaker ones or pick on the different ones and when they have all starved to death, send in the new batch, cause they are all STUPID!!!!
15. Webcam girls - What the @#$% over? You want to be my friend? It's not even you, it's some fat guy who's drawing up welfare and social security checks while making a ton of money on the side for his greasy cheeseburger fetish, "it rubs the grease on it's skin or it gets the hose again!" Funny when I get a request from a girl named Tara and then one from a girl named Horney, with the same pictures, jeez maybe the idiots on your friends list are stupid, not me....where's the report button....
16. Stupid people - Are you seeing a pattern here folks? I'm talking about people who say they want to meet people who can make them laugh or brighten their day, blah blah blah... Unless your hot looking they won't look in your direction, well too bad, I hope that hot looking person you find treats you like dirt for the rest of your days. Which brings me to... people who look for hot looking people but these hot looking people have no personalities and what not. When your 80 and all their stuff is drooping to the floor, you'll want someone with personality. Cause it's gonna get really boring quick if all you can talk about is bowel movements, sleep and the weather over and over and over....
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Ok I just did the math, I could have a teenager right now if I wasn't out partying like a rock star. DEAR LORD! A teenager! Maybe I need to find a single girl to steer me in the right direction...
Screw the famous people, especially that donkey Tom Cruise, liked some of his movies but as a human being he's just a waste of my air. Anyone who thinks people who need drugs to help them live a semi normal life, shouldn't be around or therapy can help them just needs to be shot out into orbit, take some more coke donkey! Actors and Actresses shouldn't be allowed to say what's on their minds. Of course there are a few exceptions, Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead star in case you didn't know) should run for President and Tim Burton should be the Vice President, ha ha ha.
Christopher Walken is cool too.
Another Donkey that needs to just walk off a tall cliff is Paris Hilton and anyone who thinks she's cool...."oh I think she's cute..." why?!? cause she would call you a stupid loser cause you make nowhere near anything she whore's for? Then she'd buy a $15,000 dog bag for that overgrown rodent she calls a dog and throw it away the next week cause it smells like dog shit too much, must be nice to do that since a family of 4 could live off that for a year, but hey we need celebrities cause our lives are so boring right? Here's an idea, live your own life and forget about these ass clowns!
Anyone who thinks Halloween should be celebrated everyday is good to know in my book, love horror fans they come up with some crazy stuff, Gothic folks, Wicca and Pagan personages, wouldn't be cool to have one big giant funhouse.
For meeting a dead person I'd like to meet the guy who designed the Sphinx or the Pyramids, what was he thinking, what gave him that idea, what did his wife think of it ("Honey I'll be back in 25 years, I have this really big project...") there really isn't anyone alive today I'd like to meet, maybe someone who could have a significant impact on my life, who that would be....oh yeah Captain Morgan, he's a great pirate!
No really though, just look below on my friends list, one of them could become a significant influence - you never know. Oh wait most of them have!!! My heros that aren't here anymore - Layne Staley, Jim Morrison, Roberto Clemente and Babe Ruth they're obviously gone but they'd have been interesting to talk with.
Kurt Cobain was a very interesting guy, got to meet him at William and Mary University during a concert just before he left this plane of existence. Had some fun onstage with him, I actually had wanted to see the Breeders open for Nirvana more, but it was a great concert. Ended up throwing my roommates shoe at Kurt and got pulled up on stage for it.
The only living hero of mine is Jerry Cantrell, been to every concert he's put on here in town, they just get better every time.
People that I would like to meet are those who don't bring drama to the table, they don't play games either, I'm a straight forward kind of person with too much compassion to give to those that don't deserve it, let's say I live to be 80 years old, that means I have 49 years left to enjoy the world we live in, you want to have fun? Get on the stage!
Other people I would like to have met but won't in this lifetime, Brandon and Bruce Lee, could you imagine what the world would be like if Bruce Lee was still alive? It would be awesome.
Others to meet, my MySpace people... talk about some cool and interesting people, if the world was filled with more people like them, it would definately be an awesome place! Crazy stuff!
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height="500" width="400" align="middle"
Name: Shawn Allen
Birthday: May 11, 1794
Birthplace: Minnesota
Current Location: Orbiting Earth
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Brown
Height: 6 foot 4 inches
Right Handed or Left Handed: Left Paw
Your Heritage: English, German, French, Irish, Polish - I'm a mutt!
The Shoes You Wore Today: Earth Shoes
Your Weakness: Goth Girlz and Heavy Metal Laydays!
Your Fears: Losing those I care about
Your Perfect Pizza: The girl of my dreams with a swimsuit...Slice in one hand, suit in other!
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: I have a list...it's quite long...but it involves people...and a loud sound system...
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: LOL - @..%& that! I use ha ha ha! That's original! he he he
Thoughts First Waking Up: I tend to shop in my sleep so when I wake up I'm dissapointed that I don't get to keep that John Deer tractor with the extentions!
Your Best Physical Feature: Let's get physica...oh jeez! Girls say my eyes make them weak but then they run off with some other guy so whatever...
Your Bedtime: Crack of sleepy time...
Your Most Missed Memory: I forgot, what was the question?
Pepsi or Coke: With Captain Morgan...Aargh!
MacDonalds or Burger King: Here's crap in a burger! And that burger king guy really scares me!
Single or Group Dates: I'd have to get a date first....
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Neither!!! Drink some real tea bitches!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both/Swirl
Cappuccino or Coffee: Don't eat the yellow snow!
Do you Smoke: Cigarettes?!? No...
Do you Swear: I'm a ..$%&ing Sailor whatta think?!?
Do you Sing: All night long...all night....
Do you Shower Daily: I love a long hott shower.....uhuhuhuh!
Have you Been in Love: any takers?
Do you want to go to College: I did
Do you want to get Married: I do
Do you (belive) in yourself: I thought
Do you get Motion Sickness: Only when I fall out of a plane
Do you think you are Attractive: I feel pretty...oh so pretty...I feel pretty and witty and...
Are you a Health Freak: scratch out the health part...
Do you get along with your Parents: Even better when we're intoxicated!
Do you like Thunderstorms: Nothing like being outside watching one!
Do you play an Instrument: I try to play the guitar, piano, drums
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: 'hic'
In the past month have you Smoked: smoked what?
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Alcohol is a drug, so is happiness... Hi I'm Shawn and I'm a addict to fun!
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Wouldn't really count it as a date...would really count her as a she, we'll just call her J for short...
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Attention Kmart shoppers
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: No but I had an Oreo Blizzard
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Not this month but I did eat out asian style...
In the past month have you been on Stage: Ima Rock Star!!!!!
In the past month have you been Dumped: Hot Carls are for sick people!
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: does a bath count?
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: not yet today
Ever been Drunk: I'm still working on it...
Ever been called a Tease: Oh yeah!!!! No! maybe...do you want nachos?
Ever been Beaten up: No one wants to mess with me
Ever Shoplifted: Yep, never been caught....
How do you want to Die: Making sweet love down by the fire!
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: I'm never gonna grow up ha ha ha! Now pass me that paste...
What country would you most like to Visit: The unexplored country... or one I haven't been to yet
In a Girl...Just a GIRL!
Favourite Eye Color: A girl with wolf-like eyes
Favourite Hair Color: I'm a sucker for Brunettes, but also black hair
Short or Long Hair: Depends on how great she presents it
Height: I have yet to find one taller than me, uhuhuhuh
Has a Tattoo: Yes please!
Number of Drugs I have taken: Prescription?!?
Number of CDs I own: Hundreds
Number of Piercings: Removed them all, whanna help me put them back in? Poke a hole in Shawn! It's the latest craze!
Number of Tattoos: 4 so far
Number of things in my Past I Regret: 42
The greatest bands ever - Alice in Chains, Cold, Days of the New, Tool, A Perfect Circle and Faith No More are my favorites. I tell you God himself put forth these bands to show how powerful music is!
Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, some pop (not much though), a little country and a rap song or two. Can't stand corporate radio stations. For you Minnesotans - 93x Sucks, you don't believe me? How many times can you repeat Likin' Park before you go nuts? I used to like AC/DC but come on how many times can you play it in one day?!? They don't play anything good, but yet will promote it when they come to town, if I have to hear another fag band play on there I'll go postal! Where's the Cannibal Corpse, Cradle of Filth, Lamb of God, OTEP for christ sakes! When was the last time they played Static X, yet they're coming to town and they're being hosted by them, why don't they get hosted by me I play their music all the time, ROCK ON!
Was raised on 80's rock, big Duran Duran fan. Man they're playing on the radio right now, cool....
Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Grateful Dead, oh gotta go do some spinning now...
Of course you can't skip the classic stuff - Tony Bennett, Dean Martin, Willie Nelson, Patsy Cline, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, Grand Funk, Sex Pistols, The Clash (Rock the Casbah baby!), Faith No More, Stone Temple Pilots. And dear god how could I forget BILLY IDOL!!
Was never much of a Metallica fan, some of their old stuff is good, they went down the crapper after And Justice For All, now they're a bunch of pathetic old drunkards ooooh rock on.
Give me Megadeth! Not a bad song in the mix.
Iron Maiden, Old Van Halen - Diamond Dave Rocks! Testament, Type O Negative, Static X, Evanescence - oh yeah! Rob Halford was great to meet. Black Eyed Peas - they got a good beat - ok I've been told they're not cool but still, local band Hairball is a riot to see! Check them out at Hairballrocks.com. There is so much to list I think we'd be here for a while... Coal Chamber, King Diamond, System of a Down, Drowning Pool, Pennywise, Skinny Puppy, Neds Atomic Dustbin, Breeders, Nirvana, Sonic Youth, Rusted Root, Santana, The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Pantera, Helmet
More Additions: 3 doors down, Shinedown, Echo and the Bunnyman, G'n'R', Motley Crue, more to come...
What else.... oh yeah - The Cure, Concrete Blonde, Garbage, Crash Test Dummies, Modest Mouse, Gorillaz, Red Hot Chillie Peppers, 3 Doors Down, the first Staind album, Beck, Portishead, L7, 7 Year Bitch, Me Phi Me, Skid Row (monkey business was my first CD) Steve Vai (passion and warfare was my second CD)
Ozzy used to be cool, but since the TV show the whole lot of the family are drooling morons! Ozzy is a blubbering idiot, take a few more drugs and finish it off I say, should have while he was ahead. Last year they decided not to add MN/WI on the Ozzfest tour and this year they postponed the date then cancelled, F*@K OZZY! He should of stayed home, I would have still gone to see Iron Maiden, should be called Maidenfest. But it probably was that nagging wife of his that made those decisions, she can join him on the trip to idiotsville! I was a fan of Ozzy when he was the "Prince of Darkness" now he's the "Prince of Dorkness" someone who's portrayed as a tough guy shouldn't be shown to the world picking flowers...
Hey does anyone remember Cycle Sluts From Hell?
.. type="application/x-mplayer2" height="250" width="300"
System Of A Down - Lonely Day
.. type="application/x-mplayer2" height="250" width="300"
Alice In Chains - Down In The Hole
Marilyn Manson - This is Halloween
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Some assholes stole all my movies so now I have to start all over again.
Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of Darkness, Nightmare before Christmas, Lord of the Rings, A New Hope (Star Wars), Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi. (The new prequals are ok if you lived in a cave your whole life, George Lucas should have let someone else make these. Very dissapointed) Horror movies, Sci-fi, have to have a comedy every now and then. Johnny Depp and Viggo Mortenson are about the only actors thats aren't donkey's in this world. Bride Corpse was good but short, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was kick ass! 80's movies - Maximum Overdrive, Breakfast Club, Freejack, Running Man, Weird Science, The Warriors (Warriors, come out to playeeyay!) The Toy - just some that are great!
Gladiator, 13th Warrior, House of 1,000 corpses (I didn't count that many), Devil's Rejects
Can't believe I forgot about The Crow...dear lord my mind is slipping!
Never again will there be anything like Alice In Chains...
Television rots your teeth. I don't have cable so I watch saturday morning cooking shows on PBS, laugh, but I make a mean apple pie! ha ha!
??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla
but most of all, samy is my hero. - Just who the hell wrote that?!? And second who the @&$% is SAMY?!?
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