Mindful Indulgence profile picture

Mindful Indulgence

in the shade beneath the eaves, think i could chainsmoke anything

About Me

I think more than I talk. I feel more than I say. Sometimes, I will start to tell you something, only to think better of it at the last possible second. This drives people crazy. I've never met a certainty I couldn't misconstrue. I'm not mercurial but rather, always searching. I need meaning or else I find pointlessness. I live for those perfect moments with those perfect people. Or at least people that are perfect in those moments. I have never broken a bone or needed stitches. That's not because I'm not daring or don't take risks, I just happen to be extremely graceful. Except when I'm bumping into things, which is constantly.
Without music, I would go mad. There are people, particularly one, I credit with saving my life for years, just by being who they are. And they know who they are. Without my friends, I would have imploded by now. I have an amazing ability to ignore anything and then be surprised that I'm suddenly overwhelmed. Don't ask me to be your friend, chances are I don't like you. I will buy a homeless person a meal when I am broke, because at least I can still afford to eat. I sit on fences and straddle lines until I fall one way or the other. I'm not sorry for who I am but I find myself apologizing for the way I am sometimes. I would rather get hurt than hurt someone I care about. I am self-sacrificing and at times I've been called self-deprecating although I don't really believe the latter. I will give until I start to disappear and then come back with a vengeance. Words are my personal bitch. Check yo'self.
Oh, and I would rather live in San Francisco with the risk of my apartment falling on my head than live in Connecticut wishing it would.
places to go:
My Cat Hates You
Pickled Trolls - A San Francisco Original
The truth and nothing but the truth.
Defend the Castle!

My Interests

gnomes and other little people
mormons (fascinating... like a car wreck)
sunshine and unfortunately for my interest in sunshine, san francisco.

I'd like to meet:

- peeps -
if you leave a comment wider than the table currently set up below, i'm going to delete it. i can't stand having my page too wide to fit a screen without scrolling.


early influences
the beatles
james taylor
phil collins and genesis
led zepplin
pink floyd
bon jovi
the formative years
pearl jam
stone temple pilots
ani difranco
tori amos
green day
the toadies
toad the wet sprocket
soul asylum
third eye blind
smashing pumpkins
nine nich nails
all of the above
friday's child
rufus wainwright
ryan adams
david gray
me first and the gimme gimmes
social d
ben folds
counting crows
kings of leon
gogol bordello
nick cave and the bad seeds
the magnetic fields
leonard cohen
and so very many more


chasing amy
the princess bride
shawshank redemption
reality bites
staring at any film with matthew mcconaughey in it


six feet under
sex and the city
big love (sensing a theme here?)
csi vegas
project runway
best week ever
modern marvels (except when they're about boring shit)


white oleander
rule of the bone
lost souls
drawing blood
shel silverstein
jim carroll
not mentioning the shopaholic series


italian bmt on parmesean oregano and i want to make that a meal, but with two cookies instead of the chips.

My Blog

Christmas Survey. Bulletins not working for me...

What's your favorite ornament hanging on your tree? This is an odd question to which there is no appropriate answer. The tree at my mom's house is all Martha Stewart with no real personality or nostal...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 10:28:00 PST

greatest. shower. ever.

I'm not a "morning person" by any stretch of the imagination. Sure, sure - I wake up at 7, but I spend the better part of the next hour willing myself out of bed and sipping my coffee as I stare at a ...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 05:18:00 PST

its gonna be a loooooong christmas

i am heading back east on december 17th and staying all the way through til the 31st. i'm pretty sure this will be the longest amount of time i've been home since i actually lived there, so i will hav...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 05:06:00 PST

’tis the season to be angry... fa la la la la, la la la la

First, the one thing that inspired this rant, that everyone can relate to... stop signs. I am tyling vely hahd not to make this into a racist rant. But my city-dwelling friends know exactly who I am r...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:53:00 PST

living is expensive.

those who know me know that math and me, well, we aren't great friends. normally, i don't think about money any more than what is in my account and what i need before my account is fed again. but i go...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 04:09:00 PST

It must be really hard to get a date in this town...

So the guy who hit me yesterday (and I can now say that HE hit ME because otherwise he wouldn't have apologized for it) called me last night to ask again if I was OK, and - whoa - apologize for being ...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:46:00 PST

a pretty good year?

Generally, I don't focus on the negative... but this year has been stacking it up against me at a record pace: - relationship drama abound- that thing that happened in July that I am never talking abo...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Mon, 05 Nov 2007 11:19:00 PST

Taking the Low Road...

Read the following for the back story, my comments (guaranteed to be uncensored cause I really don't give a fuck anymore) follow. Those who know me, know who Jen is. Those who don't, well, we all know...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 08:41:00 PST

This is fucking disturbing, please read

For those of you on my friends list with kids, younger siblings or other underage family members that are also on MySpace, check this out: http://adage.com/digital/article?article_id=11949329,000 regi...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 05:32:00 PST

No Judgements - But I'm Awesome!

                   ..>                &n...
Posted by Mindful Indulgence on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 09:45:00 PST