SmokINg, DrikniG CObrA, GoinGT on Bouot RUNz WIt VRERda in Th Dunebugi
Things about me that you dont care about
Name gaR
Age 53
Birthday 23/42/42/1
Hometown VErnAlis
Where you live VAkaCVil;e
Eye Color ORinj
Hair Color GRen
Height 7'13"
Weight 112
Righty or Lefty boHt
Inny or Outty OUti
Ethnicity WiEt
Worst Fear No BooTS
Weakness 40S Of CObRa
Strengths BoT Huntign, BannD MaanajiNG, SPeLeing
Goals FINd NEU BooTs, SAnd CArs, Git KliyintS
Soda CObrA
Food Boot sTu
Car Duen BUGy or SAndid VAnn
Actor/actress Me oR KEvin FERedline
Music Artist or Band GAr And BRinte Spres ANd LIZi MiGuire
Animal BooTOsor
Color BRonw
Song "GAr TIErs BOotS COBRa" By hta GAr TRio QWarTet
Movie GiglI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And CROsRODs IS GOOd
TV show 7hT HEvin
Holiday BooT Day JunVEmbre 52
Subject in school SmokinG
Resturant/Fast Food gARz VAn
Pizza Topping COBRa
Book tHe SEkrit LIEf of GAR
Thing in your room My BooT COlechsin anD MY STAshs
This or That?
Chocolate or Vanilla VaniLa or CHoklit?/ NO, CobRa!!
Rock or Pop ROk on!
Pizza or Hotdog HotDOg PIZa
Ketchup or Mustard COBRA MusterD
Apple or Orange ROtin Apel
Computer or TV TV bUT Gar.COm WUd Be COoL
Pencil or Pen PEnicl
Color or Black and White COler
Skating or Biking SKAting GAr is GRaeet SKA8Tr
Beach or Mountains MonTins wiHT BoTo fenSS
Naughty or Nice Noti
Bright or Dark Biret
Night or Day NITEt beter BoOOT HntiNG
Late night or Early morning LAet NIt aT BAr
Have you's?
Been in love YA
Smoke All THA TIem
Drank HHA AH COBrA RooLZe!
Been on TV Ya I'Ll See Yu On TV@!
Been in the News paper My REStraninG ORDEr YEs I WAus!
Do you's?
smoke YEs@@!!!!!
drink COBRAaaaa!!!
play an instrument GitRa
think you're attractive uf CORse
have a crush on someone Yes MIkCel Jakcson NANd BIrnte SPRes anD BarbI TIwns
think someone has a crush on you LOsTs of PEpel
have a best friend Yes TBiRd
draw on yourself Yies
have a cell phone YES ANd I Tok on IT in PIChser
find yourself bored a lot NO
have a myspace YesEES
have AIM Yis
have MSN nOP
have a girlfriend/boyfriend Yeis
For a Guy/Girl
Hair No
Eyes 6
Height 4'9 or 8'2
Weight beTWen 32 anD 784 POndIs
Style GanGSta
Random stuff
Do you have piercings Yies
Do you have tattoos YA PRizin Tats
How many CD's do you own 4738658649763
Are you popular YieSSS
Have you ever broken the law Me??/ WUt U THink?
Have you ever been arrested LOTs TIems
Are you tired of this survey Noo
Did you like it Yo{
Are you done Nop
Ok your done!
Survey Made by: El Jake
Which Nigerian spammer are You?
Disorder Rating
Paranoid Personality Disorder : High
Schizoid Personality Disorder : Low
Schizotypal Personality Disorder : Moderate
Antisocial Personality Disorder : High
Borderline Personality Disorder : Low
Histrionic Personality Disorder : High
Narcissistic Personality Disorder : Very High
Avoidant Personality Disorder : Low
Dependent Personality Disorder : Low
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder : Moderate
-- Take the Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Info --
Mine Stvi Woncdr, Smoki Ronbisoon, Slikpnot, BRinte SPres, Aron CArter, BillI GiolmanYou are 147% Emo
You are kinD OF Emo. You like the music, styles and way of life but it doesn’t really control your life. There is more to you than just another cute Emo face. YU ALSo IS a EMo BANd!
Take this quiz at
Gigli!!!!!!! CRossROads, GLitter, SwepT AWay, Any MovY StraIINg GAr!!!!
7ht HEvin, MY BEniFT ConsurTS
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WUT is Z a BUk?
GAR, TBIrD, SLIPKbnot, AAron CARter, Gar, LanCE REEd SKipper, GAr, STvie Wondur, GaR