Music!!whitout it i cannot survive...Sleeep...Sing..Read...Go out and be drunk ahaha
some freaky poeple to be friend! and do wierdo things all the time!
Soul of Darkness (for sure ahahah)and go visit i said GO NOW!hes in my top firend also..Agathodaimon,And Oceans..Angra..At the gates..Bloodthorn..Children of Bodom..The Kovenant.. Dissection..Dragonforce..Dimmu borgir..Ebony Tears..Ensiferum..Equilibrium.. Fintroll..Gorgoroth..Kalmah..Katatonia..Manegram..Moonsorrow ..Mork Gryning.. Necrophagist..Nile..OPETH!!!..Pain..Peccatum..QuosVadis..Ram -Zet.. Satyricon..Samael..Sonata Arctica..Summoning..Tartaros..Therion..Wintersun.. And lot more...I like Ebm-industrial too... Imperanon..Norther..almost anything from
What metal band are you?
You are Opeth! You are very poetic with your lyrics, and your music flows like a waterfall. Your emotions change from angry to sad very quickly. Some people don't like you because you can sound too depressing. You're one of the best metal bands in the world, and you worship your fans!
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Marquis de Sade...Emile Nelligan...Forgotten Realms...Things about religion and human psychology..