Pictures, funky smiling, outspoken, dirty minded dicks. I love the Irish and the French.
I had to lose some long time friends in the last couple years. Even though it was painful, it got old being blamed for why my friend's life sucked. So I guess I'm open to meeting new people. I'm turned off by addictions and lack of focus. Today is the day to get your life together.View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment
I hate the music in your ipod but I can't tell you to your face that your taste in music sucks. I mean, how long have you been online and you still pick up shit at the record store. You've had the feeling before the record store cashier thinks you're a loser... well, next time you get that feeling GO WITH IT!
I'm a huge fan of movies and video games. I work in that industry which kind of rubs the shine off quickly. I'm interested in films with a vision and a purpose that goes beyond telling a story. I like films that try to create a new form or structure for itself. I'm obsessed with getting away from the assembly line thinking of films being a product that need to be made with that in mind so that it's easier and cheaper for the publisher/distributor to put out.
We mostly watch reality tv at home although I do like true crime shows, too. I don't think much of tv to be honest. It ranks up there with radio.
A good book will get you thinking for yourself so perhaps it's not a good idea, right now. When was the last time you turned off the tv, the computer, your phone, and everything else and just talked to someone when you weren't on your way to something else?
As I see it, if you're black or latino, there should be no hero worship so long as you live in the states. Guess who the military target with their advertising budgets and dollars..? You. And for what? Army and Navy ads are as frequent as viagra and free ipod/ps3 ads on the net. Why is that? It's not even as simple as ending the war anymore. Whether to end the war or not is about as trivial as voting democrat or republican. Thinking is not about choosing between two things but looking at the relationship between those things and then going deeper. Heroes are made by marketing and advertising.