Check out Farrell's profile on Jeffrey Nothing's personal top friends list, and on the NEW Solo Music Profile."
Which Project Are You Most Excited About?
We all know Jeff has about 13,000 projects going on now. But...
Which Project Are You Most Excited About? New Mushroomhead album
New Filthy Figures
New NoWear T-shirts
The Rage movie in which MRH performs in
The Cleveland Sound book to be released, contains a Jeff interview
Anything new added to his Fansite!
New MRH Tour
Getting to see new Tattoos on him
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Which is your favorite Jeff song?
Including the 3 most popular of Jeff's bands, which of the following songs (going by the song itself, it's era, the vocal/lyric style, and overall vibe of the song) is your favorite?
Which is your favorite Jeff song? Valley of the Shadow of Death (Purgatory)
Psychoface (Hatrix)
No One (Hatrix)
Simpleton (MRH)
Bwomp (MRH)
The New Cult King (MRH)
One More Day (MRH)
Crazy (MRH Seal cover)
12 Hundred (MRH)
Embrace the Ending (MRH)
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Which Image Do You Prefer?
Jeff has shown us many different sides of himself on stage. Which look do you think is the best?
Which Image Do You Prefer? 80's Hair Metal look with big hair and torn clothing
Old School "good/evil" goathead/Satan mask and wedding dress
XX era all black makeup and trenchcoat
XIII era trenchcoat with variations of red/white makeup
Early SS era in police uniform
SS butcher apron and blood, blood, BLOOD!
Plain ol' Jeff who hangs out at the bar or merch booth to meet you guys
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What Should Be Jeff's Next Stage Outfit?
If you guys have any influence on how Jeff would look on stage for the next big tour (assuming he gets tired of the Butcher thing...though that'd be tough), how would you like to see Jeff dressed on stage?
What Should Be Jeff's Next Stage Outfit? a Priest, all black with white collar, ripped off sleeves (rev. stace's idea!)
a Swamp Monster, all green and brown with seaweed hanging from his arms
a Gargoyle-like character, all grey makeup, cracks in his skin
Satan, all red makeup, horns, and a tight red costume (yow!)
Jesus, bloody crown of thorns, ratty wig, only wearing a cloth around his waist
Dragon, green and purple makeup, scales painted on, horns, breathing smoke
Astronaut, hey....why not?
No makeup at all, just regular Jeff with the black wifebeater
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(click here to make your own freakin' poll.)
Filthy Figures, No Wear Clothes, Haunted Places. Murder Books, Leaving something behind...
I'd like to meet:
HR Giger, Bjork, God.
Add to My Profile | More Videos
*I have a whole plethora of Mushroomhead/Jeff-related videos up under "My Videos/My Favorites", Music Videos and Live Performances. Be sure to check them out!
(Under the name and main photo of this site, click on the "View My: Videos" link. Then you'll see a blank page that says user hasnt uploaded any videos, or “Nothing to show.â€...You have to click on the link at the top that says "My Favorites". There you will see them all! Sorry, I know they're a little hidden.)
Jeffrey Nothing - 09.29.07 - The Pearl Room - Mokena, IL
by 8infinite .
Jeffrey Nothing Radio Interview- 10.13.07 - The Palladium - Worcester, MA. (Jeff mentions this fansite in this interview!)
anything with heart and imagination fuck sounding just like your favorite band build a new beast!
murder, horror, mind fuck thrillers... A Movie hasn't scared me in years...please, somebody!
forensic files, and the other true crime on court TV. mans inhumanity to man is incredible and sadly fascinating.
Barker, King, Koontz and True crime too.
Mark Farner, John Lennon, Ronnie Van Sant, Van Gogh and Everyone who makes it thru the day, just as i do.