Blood, makeup, boots, guinness, chain smoking, deleted scenes, fake conversations, Goo, Lies Lies Lies, vodka, piercings in the shittiest of moods, chewing gum, MOTHER FUCKING NIVEK OGRE, trees, bees, pills, small bags and misplaced fingerprints, B6, tattoos, mohawks, crying, mindfuck and being mindfucked, mindless psychobabble, porn, sox, bobby pins, glue, writing, repenting, violence, little things, diet duo, nail polish, Nigga what?, scars, panic attax, drunk museum hopping, pretending I exist, "accidently" pissing people off, gummy bears, camaros and retards. Unfortunately; all true.
People with some sort of "in common" with me. I can't stand pretentious fucks. Elitist fucking self serving better than thou pieces of fuck. You're all pigs...Also, I hate getting comments with 'thanks for the add' pictures. No offense, but they annoy me :)
this was my absolute favorite thing to watch when I was a child and I lost the vhs it was recorded on like 16 years ago. So all of you who have heard me talk about this cartoon here it is.
Survivor, Choke, Lullaby, Diary, Invisible Monsters, Haunted: all Chuck Palahniuk, The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown, Dictionary of Theories, Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman, Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers by Mary Roach
Inspiration: Jonathon Wayshack, Antoine de Villiers, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Steven Hawkings, Mark Rothko...Oh and Randy Roads. Not Science;)...