Art and making art, Films and filmaking, Japanese Fashion, Conceptual design, Men's wear, Photography, Sewing and patternmaking, Silkscreeing, Finding beauty in ugly things and Finding ugly things in Beautiful things... Singing in the shower , Guitars,Vinatge stuff, DANCING! MOTOCYCLES and Airplaines, The city life, Strawberries, Ice cream, and Yoo Hoo the chocolate drink. The sound of a MAC starting up in the morning, Cruising old school style, Central American, Japan, Becoming a Marathon Runner, Power naps, Going to rock shows, the Ocean, Eating good food,Politics,MAKING ASSHOLES CRY, Laughing, making silly faces, Dressing up sometimes, and other stuff...
the spanish speaking James Dean
I love music... very picky.. to many to start naming...
For the love of Sunnya, Run Lola Run, The Fifthelement, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu y Pedro Almodovar films,Blow up, James Dean films, Cabaret, Wes Anderson, Quentin Tarantino films,Charlie Kaufman screenplays, Dance movies from the 80's, The world's saddest music, Fight Club, Fear and Loathing Las Vegas, Vincent Gallo, 1930's ganster movies, Rebel without a Cause, East of Eden, Gilda. Marlene Dietrick and Rita Hayworth films. and Mr. David Lynch plus many more...
DOROTHY PARKER!!! The Great Gatsby, White Noise,the Catcher in the Rye,Fight Club, the Secret Garden, Fear and Loathing, Love Story, Shakespeare, Kurt Vonnegut, Sylvia Plath , Lot s of Art and Design books!!!