Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] profile picture

Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia]

Someday I'll get it right.img src=http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m88/simi35/roleplayer .jpg bord

About Me

I have lived a thousand lives, and in each one I have waged a battle against evil. My soul began its journey in Ancient Egypt as Prince Khufu of the 19th Dynasty. Early in my life, I Prince Khufu was exposed to an alien element known as Nth metal when a Thanagarian shiped crashed in my kingdom. Thanks to the help of Nabu and my friend at the time Teth Adam I was able to unlock the secrets of this metal. I was later than murdered by a sorcerer named Hath-Set who was secretly plotting against me. Due to my exposure to Nth metal I was reincarnated again and again, each time unaware of my previous life yet I always had a heightened intuition, as if deep in my unconscience I did remember. In all the lives that I have lived I have been born here on Earth and on Thanagar. I have been many things including a slave, a priest, a wingman and a cowboy, just to name a few. I have also been the inspiration to many great heroes of legend such as Beowulf, Achellies, and Leonidas. I have been a part of every culture that has lived on Earth and Thanagar, but I was always influenced by the symbol of Thanagar by the warrior ways of the Wingmen. I also always had a desire to seek justice, as a way to balance the injustice of my own murder.
In the 1940s, I lived as Carter Hall. An acheologist who discovered the Absorbascon and upon touching it, it unlocked my memories of my past life as Khufu. Soon after that I adopted the guise of Hawkman, and became a founding member of the legendary Justice Society of America. My career continued for decades, until my partner Hawkgirl and I decided to leave after suffering a great Crisis. During this time a Thanagarian named Katar Hol (a decendent from a past life on Thanagar) and his partner Shayera Thal landed on Earth. They were searching for a criminal from Thanagar named Byth. After capturing Byth they decided to stay and learn more about Earth, and took on the names of Hawkman and Hawk woman (more like given). Until a time traveler named Extant killed Hawkgirl and fused Katar and myself into one being. This was a very confusing moment in my life, and I was possessed by a Hawk avatar. I was known as Hawk god, and I was thrown into a limbo where I fought Asengardian gods along side the JSA.
On Thanagar one of the Seven Devils known as Onimar Synn was terrorizing Thanagar and a group of priest preformed a ceremony to resurrect me. My soul answered to this higher calling, and with the help of Katar Hol I was freed from the anomaly. Katar gave his body and life so that I may be able to survive the harshness of limbo. Because of what Katar did my youth was restored and my hair changed from blonde to brown. There were other changes too, according to Shayera Thal I also smell like Katar. I also have the ability to possess the memories of all my previous incarnations. Although I did have Katar's memories most of them have now faded.
Since I have been exposed to Nth metal for so many centuries it has become saturated into my very esence. I posess abilities that no one else has. I have become completly infused with it's potency. It gives me my super strength, enhanced sences such as telescopic vission acute hearing, heightend sence of smell and taste. It gives me a quick healing factor that heals flesh wounds instantaneous and can rapidly heal severe and near fatal wounds. I'm immune to poisons and toxins and a strong resistance to psychic/mental attacks.
Due to all of my past experiences I strive to balance my innate warrior's anger with the princely wisdom of all my ancient beginnings. I may appear calm and civil but I can also become a relentless fighter. Due to my fighting experience being stretched for over two millennia my fighting skills can not be matched. I appear to be very unorthodox but to a well trained eye I will be completly orthodox. I will bits and pieces from all fighting forms that I have learned or invented and use them to my advantage. Do not underestimate me because it will be your last mistake you will make.

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Take the quiz: " Which Egyptian God or Goddess do you represent? (Pictures!)"

Horus, Son of Isis
Horus was on of the most important gods of Egypt. His 'earthly embodiment' was meant to be the first Pharaoh, and kings would eventually take his name for their own. Horus was very powerful and strong, and became associated with the son as Ra was. He is known as a 'solar deity'.
You are a very strong person, almost to a frightening point. People may be scared of you for your unbelievable strength. If you use your power to protect instead of for show or for evil, than your personality is one of the best.

My Interests

Fighting, Science and other things

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who wishes to Role Play.


All types of music


Batman Begins, Superman, Constatine, Equilibrium, Lord of the Rings, Top Gun, Leon the Profesional, Stargate, The Indiana Jones Trilogy


History Chanel, Discovery chanel, National Geographic, Rome.
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Too many to list.


Katar Hol, Ray Palmer, Hawkgirl, Shayera Thol.

My Blog

My take

Here is my take on the Hawkman character, I didn't write this but I couldn't have word it better than this. I think the key to Hawkman should not just be that he has Nth metal, but that he has been ab...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 10:19:00 PST


*On a late and starry night a small bright round light is seen streaking across the sky. The object then becomes briter and a streak of light tails off the end of it as it enters the Earth's atmospher...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 04:25:00 PST


From here on until the new year I probably won't be on much anymore. I have a lot of things going on in my life and I can no longer devote enough time for my character. I just wanted you all to know t...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 03:08:00 PST


*Sea Storm stood chanting as smoke started to saround her. it started to move up her body and then out towards the for corners of the Earth. it would be a slow reserection and it would take a full day...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:23:00 PST

Good Rp vs. Bad RP

Here is an example of Good RP...Hawkman vs. MongulMongul: :A bright light hits your eyes as I stand before you. I walk up to you and grab you by the strapes of your wings:"I challenge you to a fight. ...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 01:43:00 PST


I will not add any Superman or Batman character, because I believe everyone that RP's them are totally incapable of keeping true to their character. If you feel you are good at that character than by ...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 08:56:00 PST

The Helmet

A friend once told me to take the helmet off once and a while, because I'm diffrent with it off. I agree with him I am diffrent without the mask, yet I don't feel like myself. I have a diffrent perspe...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Sun, 10 Jun 2007 01:05:00 PST


I stand in wait for the Apocalypse. grasping a mace in my hand.
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 07:47:00 PST

My Powers

Hawkman Carter HallFighting IncredibleAgility RemarkableStrength ExcellentEndurance RemarkableReason ExcellentIntuition ExcellentPsyche Remarkable ...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:00:00 PST

To all my friends...

I want to thank Ryu for the shrine. It means more to me than you'll ever know. I will miss our fights and our laughs... Blue you are my best firend and I am going to miss you the most. You were always...
Posted by Hawkman(JSA/JLX)[Married and lovesTalia] on Thu, 24 Nov 2005 08:46:00 PST