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SpOrTbIkEs, PhArMaCoLoGy, SoMe PaRtYiNg, TrAvElInG, KiSsInG, SlEePiNg
The girl of my dreams. The one that makes you laugh when your sad, the one that makes you smile when your mad, the one that you can look at a million times and still be amazed how beautiful she is, the one that you would do anything in the world for, the one you get butterflies in your stomach just thinking about, and when you find her you dont know how you ever lived without her.MySpace Layouts br
AlL 80s mUsIc, EmInEm, 50 CeNt, YoUnG bUcK, LlyOd BaNkS, YaYo, FaT jOe, OuTkAsT, BuN b, EiGhTbAlL n MjG, ThReE 6 mAfIa, PrOjEcT pAt, WeBbiE, GuCcI mANe, TrIlLvIlLe, NaS, BiG tYmErS, LuDaCrIs, 2PaC, BiGgIe, LiL fLiP, Dr DrE, AlIcE dEeJaY, OaKeNfOlD, A lIl PoP
GoOdFeLlAs, BlOw, ScArFaCe, OcEaNs ElEvEn, ThE BoUrNe IdEnItY, ThE GoDfAtHeR, CaSiNo, CoMmAnDo, EnTrApMeNt, ThE BuTtErFlY eFfeCt....jUsT tO nAmE a FeW
ThE SoPrAnOs, Er, LaW aNd OrDeR, ReAl WoRlD, GoOd ReAlItY sHoWs (LiKe ThE CoNtEnDeR)
Both of my sisters. There the greatest in the world...