What's it all about?
Welcome to Salsa El Paso .com. The place to find salsa dancing in El Paso Texas. Here you'll find information about salsa dancing and Latin dance and music in El Paso: where to go dancing, weekly and upcoming events, information about dance lessons and instructors, special upcoming events such as workshops by visiting instructors and dancers, and upcoming performances and concerts by local and international Latin music artists. also features:
• insightful interviews and articles related to salsa, Latin music and dancing - with significant contributions from members of El Paso salsa dance community.
• profiles of local dancers - learn why salsa dancers are so passionate about salsa, their experiences and views of salsa dancing in El Paso. Submit a profile of your own!
• dancer's tips from local and international dancers
• photos from events, salsa humour, local links, forums, Surveys to give personal reviews, and more...
Regular site visitors include people in El Paso's salsa dance community looking to keep informed of the latest news and events, as well as people new to salsa dancing searching online for information on salsa lessons and events in El Paso. The site also attracts considerable interest from out-of-town and international visitors looking for information on salsa dancing in El Paso.
Thanks for visiting!
Say 'hello' next time you see us out dancing, or get in touch with us at [email protected]
With Love,