in·ter·est [in-ter-ist, -trist] –noun 1. the feeling of a person whose attention, concern, or curiosity is particularly engaged by something: She has a great interest in the poetry of Donne. 2. something that concerns, involves, draws the attention of, or arouses the curiosity of a person: His interests are philosophy and chess. 3. power of exciting such concern, involvement, etc.; quality of being interesting: political issues of great interest. 4. concern; importance: a matter of primary interest. 5. a business, cause, or the like in which a person has a share, concern, responsibility, etc. 6. a share, right, or title in the ownership of property, in a commercial or financial undertaking, or the like: He bought half an interest in the store. 7. a participation in or concern for a cause, advantage, responsibility, etc. 8. a number or group of persons, or a party, financially interested in the same business, industry, or enterprise: the banking interest. 9. interests, the group of persons or organizations having extensive financial or business power. 10. the state of being affected by something in respect to advantage or detriment: We need an arbiter who is without interest in the outcome. 11. benefit; advantage: to have one's own interest in mind. 12. regard for one's own advantage or profit; self-interest: The partnership dissolved because of their conflicting interests. 13. influence from personal importance or capability; power of influencing the action of others. 14. Finance. a. a sum paid or charged for the use of money or for borrowing money. b. such a sum expressed as a percentage of money borrowed to be paid over a given period, usually one year. 15. something added or thrown in above an exact equivalent: Jones paid him back with a left hook and added a right uppercut for interest. –verb (used with object) 16. to engage or excite the attention or curiosity of: Mystery stories interested him greatly. 17. to concern (a person, nation, etc.) in something; involve: The fight for peace interests all nations. 18. to cause to take a personal concern or share; induce to participate: to interest a person in an enterprise. 19. to cause to be concerned; affect. —Idiom 20. in the interest(s) of, to the advantage or advancement of; in behalf of: in the interests of good government.
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mu·sic [myoo-zik] –noun 1. an art of sound in time that expresses ideas and emotions in significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. 2. the tones or sounds employed, occurring in single line (melody) or multiple lines (harmony), and sounded or to be sounded by one or more voices or instruments, or both. 3. musical work or compositions for singing or playing. 4. the written or printed score of a musical composition. 5. such scores collectively. 6. any sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds or sound: the music of the waves. 7. appreciation of or responsiveness to musical sounds or harmonies: Music was in his very soul. 8. Fox Hunting. the cry of the hounds. —Idiom 9. face the music, to meet, take, or accept the consequences of one's mistakes, actions, etc.: He's squandered his money and now he's got to face the music.
mov·ie [moo-vee] –noun 1. motion picture. 2. motion-picture theater (often prec. by the): The movie is next-door to the hardware store. 3. movies, a. motion pictures, as an industry (usually prec. by the): The movies have had to raise prices. b. motion pictures, as a genre of art or entertainment: gangster movies. c. the exhibition of a motion picture: an evening at the movies.
tel·e·vi·sion [tel-uh-vizh-uhn] –noun 1. the broadcasting of a still or moving image via radiowaves to receivers that project a view of the image on a picture tube. 2. the process involved. 3. a set for receiving television broadcasts. 4. the field of television broadcasting.
book [book] –noun 1. a written or printed work of fiction or nonfiction, usually on sheets of paper fastened or bound together within covers. 2. a number of sheets of blank or ruled paper bound together for writing, recording business transactions, etc. 3. a division of a literary work, esp. one of the larger divisions. 4. the Book, the Bible. 5. Music. the text or libretto of an opera, operetta, or musical. 6. books. book of account. 7. Jazz. the total repertoire of a band. 8. a script or story for a play. 9. a record of bets, as on a horse race. 10. Cards. the number of basic tricks or cards that must be taken before any trick or card counts in the score. 11. a set or packet of tickets, checks, stamps, matches, etc., bound together like a book. 12. anything that serves for the recording of facts or events: The petrified tree was a book of Nature. 13. Sports. a collection of facts and information about the usual playing habits, weaknesses, methods, etc., of an opposing team or player, esp. in baseball: The White Sox book on Mickey Mantle cautioned pitchers to keep the ball fast and high. 14. Stock Exchange. a. the customers served by each registered representative in a brokerage house. b. a loose-leaf binder kept by a specialist to record orders to buy and sell stock at specified prices. 15. a pile or package of leaves, as of tobacco. 16. Mineralogy. a thick block or crystal of mica. 17. a magazine: used esp. in magazine publishing. 18. book value. 19. Slang. bookmaker (def. 1). 20. the book, a. a set of rules, conventions, or standards: The solution was not according to the book but it served the purpose. b. the telephone book: I've looked him up, but he's not in the book. –verb (used with object) 21. to enter in a book or list; record; register. 22. to reserve or make a reservation for (a hotel room, passage on a ship, etc.): We booked a table at our favorite restaurant. 23. to register or list (a person) for a place, transportation, appointment, etc.: The travel agent booked us for next week's cruise. 24. to engage for one or more performances. 25. to enter an official charge against (an arrested suspect) on a police register. 26. to act as a bookmaker for (a bettor, bet, or sum of money): The Philadelphia syndicate books 25 million dollars a year on horse racing. –verb (used without object) 27. to register one's name. 28. to engage a place, services, etc. 29. Slang. a. to study hard, as a student before an exam: He left the party early to book. b. to leave; depart: I'm bored with this party, let's book. c. to work as a bookmaker: He started a restaurant with money he got from booking. –adjective 30. of or pertaining to a book or books: the book department; a book salesman. 31. derived or learned from or based on books: a book knowledge of sailing. 32. shown by a book of account: The firm's book profit was $53,680. —Verb phrases 33. book in, to sign in, as at a job. 34. book out, to sign out, as at a job. 35. book up, to sell out in advance: The hotel is booked up for the Christmas holidays. —Idioms 36. bring to book, to call to account; bring to justice: Someday he will be brought to book for his misdeeds. 37. by the book, according to the correct or established form; in the usual manner: an unimaginative individual who does everything by the book. 38. close the books, to balance accounts at the end of an accounting period; settle accounts. 39. cook the books, Informal. cook (def. 10). 40. in one's bad books, out of favor; disliked by someone: He's in the boss's bad books. 41. in one's book, in one's personal judgment or opinion: In my book, he's not to be trusted. 42. in one's good books, in favor; liked by someone. 43. like a book, completely; thoroughly: She knew the area like a book. 44. make book, a. to accept or place the bets of others, as on horse races, esp. as a business. b. to wager; bet: You can make book on it that he won't arrive in time. 45. off the books, done or performed for cash or without keeping full business records: esp. as a way to avoid paying income tax, employment benefits, etc.: Much of his work as a night watchman is done off the books. 46. one for the book or books, a noteworthy incident; something extraordinary: The daring rescue was one for the book. 47. on the books, entered in a list or record: He claims to have graduated from Harvard, but his name is not on the books. 48. throw the book at, Informal. a. to sentence (an offender, lawbreaker, etc.) to the maximum penalties for all charges against that person. b. to punish or chide severely. 49. without book, a. from memory. b. without authority: to punish without book. 50. write the book, to be the prototype, originator, leader, etc., of: So far as investment banking is concerned, they wrote the book.
he·ro [heer-oh] –noun, plural -roes; for 5 also -ros. 1. a man of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities. 2. a person who, in the opinion of others, has heroic qualities or has performed a heroic act and is regarded as a model or ideal: He was a local hero when he saved the drowning child. 3. the principal male character in a story, play, film, etc. 4. Classical Mythology. a. a being of godlike prowess and beneficence who often came to be honored as a divinity. b. (in the Homeric period) a warrior-chieftain of special strength, courage, or ability. c. (in later antiquity) an immortal being; demigod. 5. hero sandwich. 6. the bread or roll used in making a hero sandwich.