There really isn't much about me. I love music and play in band called the Ghouls. I live in West Philly and can't control the rock and roll. Other than that i'm just a chilled humerus character. I was born in Bulawayo Zimbabwe under the post-Ndebele tribe. After the independence in 1980 my family was able to situate and move to the states when i was 6. No offense but if you ask me about it in person i probably wont talk about it with you. It is just one of those things i don't talk about alot. Also a thing that i don't like is people who like to talk trash over the compudora. If you have something to say talk to me in person. I also don't normally accept bands through myspace unless i crave to see there posts or listen to their music. If you want to see us play go to or search us under The Ghouls