In addition to her fiction Chris has published a collection essays
centered around the Los Angeles art world, Video Green: Los Angeles
Art and the Triumph of Nothingness . She has written on art, poetics,
and theory for academic anthologies and art magazines with
contributions to Index Magazine, ArtForum, and The Nation.
In 2001 she edited Hatred of Capitalism with Sylvère Lotringer; a collection of Semiotext(e)’s most beloved and prescient works.
Kraus is also the founding editor of Semiotext(e)’s Native Agents imprint, which includes avant-garde fiction and non-fiction by American writers such as Kathy Acker, Cookie Mueller, David Rattray, Ann Rower, Michelle Tea, Eileen Myles, Eldon Garnet, Shulamith Firestone, Masha Tupitsyn and Mark Von Schlegell.
To listen to an interview with Chris conducted by Michael Silverblatt of KCRW's Bookworm click here
Chris lives in Los Angeles, New York and Baja, California and teaches creative writing at UC San Diego.