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When all I wanted to hear was I love yous and joy division

About Me

jst like tht

My Interests

Music, Decent food, Sunny Days, Snow, good friends


converge,every time i die,malkovich,kinglifting,her words kill,poison the well, dillinger escape plan, the modern jazz quartet, american nightmare/give up the ghost (rip), the hope conspiracy, killswitch engage, glassjaw, BEECHER, the locust, daughters, circle takes the square, John Lee Hooker, some girls, bloc party, eighteen visions, norma jean, shai hulud (rip), scarlet, radiohead, mono, johnny truant, eden maine, rise n fall, afi, the nerve agents (rip), fury 66 (rip), indenial,minus the bear, these arms are snakes, Botch, Ed Gein, most precious blood, unearth, the red chord, between the buried and me, Gallows, Lavotchkin, Rolo Tomassi, The Midas Girls, Meet Me in St. Louis, Seduced Woman Dead, Gideons, obi got ludo, C4RT, Battletorn, Kamikaze, The NX


28 days later, donnie Darko, fight club, american history x, clerks, mallrats, chasing amy, dogma, jay & silent bob strike back, resident evil (yes its tacky, but hey, i like zombie flicks), night of the living dead, dawn of the dead (i prefer the old one to the new one, but both are entertaining) any Jackie Chan movie, old romantic black and white flicks (precious), spiderman (1 & 2), Garden State, The Life Aquatic, Rushmore, Lost in Translation, Pi, Cube, Alien vs Predetor, Pirates of The Caribbean (1 & 2), Doctor Who Film, and much much more


There Are 'No Heroes"

My Blog


i'm more fed up with people than ever before.i swear to fuckin' god my quality of life has gone down the proverbial shit hole, in in fact it has probably left me and dived down the real shit hole. i'm...
Posted by Eugene on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 04:35:00 PST

Tuesday are great

Because im free from the army! though i am hungry and i can't be arsed to make anymore food. i guess i should though. but, i might go see ferank bout new ink and see if he's got any sweet new source b...
Posted by Eugene on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 04:32:00 PST

New Business attn: all guitarists n bassists

ok, im gonna start a new business designing pedals for guitarists and bassists who like boutique pedals but can't afford that rich cunt price tag. i don't wanna shit anyone about with them, they are g...
Posted by Eugene on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 05:40:00 PST

why i still hate the "Beautiful Game"

People like christian Ronaldo ruin it for everyone, needling and pressuring the ref to book or send off players such as Rooney who got sent off for accidentally treading on another player whilst turni...
Posted by Eugene on Sat, 01 Jul 2006 12:04:00 PST

Back for one night only....

Well not exactly, anyways, im going home tomorrow, im not excited about this show at all in fact im kinda dredding it. theres something putting pressure on my chest, i feel really weighed down by stuf...
Posted by Eugene on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:06:00 PST

Blizzards in June....

This month has been possibly the most unpredictable month ever. so far i have had1) my gliding course ring me telling me i should be there, when i haven't received any forms or documents to get to it ...
Posted by Eugene on Sat, 24 Jun 2006 02:42:00 PST

....I've got a great idea, i'm not gonna wait right here....

I'm gonna emmigrate to Scandinaivia or Canada.get my degree, get job, pay for stuff, clear as much debt as possible, leave.Simple. hopefully a slower pace of life will be better for me.
Posted by Eugene on Sat, 03 Jun 2006 04:51:00 PST

Spring is coming, get throwing!

I'm doin something i've never really doine before and thts chuck stuff away. mostly gonna be quite glad when i ditch this shit, i'll have space for more crap. but if anyone wants anything o...
Posted by Eugene on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 02:02:00 PST

Zombie Grinder!

Best Ever 3&cid=29
Posted by Eugene on Tue, 17 Jan 2006 02:49:00 PST

Do they know its xmas all.......

Well its christmas, a day where coca cola is born in a wonderful factory somewhere in a poor place in the world where 3 fat yanks chuck more shite into it and a the shepards now fuckin make this shit...
Posted by Eugene on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST