I dislike symmetry and convention.The color orange is hot.Need is the ultimate turn off.My ideal life motto would be might as well jump.My real life motto is more like duck and cover.If I could chose my death it would be by firing squad complete with cigarette and minus the blind fold.I’m told that my vices are smoking, touchscreen and drinking – I call it as having a personality.I aint goin' unless the goose is lit. Is the goose lit?Take the quiz:
What Halo Character Are YOU???
Master Cheif (SPARTAN-117)
W00t! You're the Master Cheif!! Youre an AWSOME leader. You are very brave! even when you are scared to do something you tough it out and do it anyways. You are loyal and dependable, always getting the job done. Your friends mean alot to you, and the respect you! Youre an all around kick ass dude!
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!