flyinRYAN [.TF.] profile picture

flyinRYAN [.TF.]


About Me

flyin RYAN

"problem after problem. but im still livin."

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

someone who can just be Real

"the one.."

franniee tiiimmee! ♥

My Numba1 Fan, y'all ...
yo yo yo! ohh. first off, sorry CARLA for takin' over your invasion. HAHA you know i L0VE you but i gotta say some shit about this niggahh right heaa! haha okay. so "RYAN? is it? you work where?" hahah remember the first time i met you?! James bday. last year. MiMi's. That's when i started callin' you d i s n e y l a n d. haha but you got a better name. RYRY! bka FLYiNRYAANN.
woohoo. "Let's go RYRYyYyyy!!"
Ryry is so annoying. im sure y'all know that. for his bday i think WE SH0ULD ALL pitch in and get this fool a camera. HAHA! Ryan is the dopest when he's BL0000WN. he laughs a lot and says "i dont think it hit me" 365,696 in one minute. Ryan is a sweetie. he's sensitive and goofy. i know some girls try to take advantage of him but what they dont know is that IM here and everything goes through me before anything else when it comes to females. So, think first before you say anything to Mr. Mendoza. ohh wait. THIS IS JR. NAAHKELLS page? wtf. celebrity status! hahaha shouldn't i pay him to be exposed here on his space? wow. you're like a male tila tequila.. like Ryan Tequila. you effin myspace man whore. k. im effin tired. we had a long night last night. haha MUAAAAAAAAH. i labs you numba1 fan. ♥

RYAN is cOOl =].
lets see... i wonder how i met this fatgurl... oh yeah! he always came to the flow session..never said hi to nobody only his big homie and dance/talk to the people he came with. always thought he was too cool, stuck up bastard. haha. JK. we never got introduced... until i got my camera!! and u know this camera whore wanted to be recorded but was too shy to ever ask! hahaha. jk. but i recorded him and showed him his clip and from that point on we were friends =]. he's a cool guy that drives an ugly rex that has no curves. hah. =P.. oh yeahh and he's fun to be around especially when he's lifted* .. hahahahaha!!!

yo ryry!


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& JELLI A BABY. she's kewls !


My Blog


life seems so fucked up..once u go past the SHOES, CLOTHES, PARTYING AND MONEY and off the HIGH..REALITY SETS INnow that i think of it.. everything seems so fucked up.   ...
Posted by flyinRYAN [.TF.] on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 12:51:00 PST