karliski.™|305 profile picture



About Me

karla you'll be screaming it later(;
and yeahh im famous. you've probobly heard of me.
i am a miami native. raised there for 17 years
but now im stuck in GAY-ASS valrico
i am an ex Doral Academy Firebird
But now im a Durant Cougar[2009] (:
i am singleee for now.
i flirt without even noticing that im doing it.dont get your hopes up high
freshhuhh thann a motherfuckerr i am a down to earth and laidback type of girl
noo drama in my life and i am most certainly keeping it that way
in life your are by yourself. ive learned that the hard way
ive been called; the hispanic version of a barbie.
e i got that contagious disease,i laugh and smile like theres no tomorrow
my intentions are to get you infected by it(;
sticks and stones dont break my bones and words dont hurt me (:
i am me. whether you like it or not
i find life and guys confusing. and theres noo need on changing my opinion on that
im sorta of a bad influence.
hugs and kisses equal passionate sex for me.
i am loud. no one cant be as loud as me
im higher than the sky.impossible to bring me down(;
i prove underestimators wrong on a daily basis.be one of my victims.
im not your ordinary girl
i tend to outshine myself and make myself uniquely diffrent from other people

My Interests


I'd like to meet:


migliori amici
"Though miles may lie between us, we're never far apart, for friendship doesn't count the miles, it's measured by the heart"


i am madlyy in lovee with Robert Nestaa
dont't gain the world and lose your soul.wisdom is better than silver or gold."
- by him33


A Walk To Remember
The Notebook
White Chicks
Bring It On 1&&2
Finding Nemo
Raise Your Voice
Mean Girls
John Tucker Must Die
The Little Mermaid
High School Musical
Jump In
Spice World
8 Mile



"they say that time heals all wounds.but all its done so far is give me more time to think about how much i truly miss you"


vaitiare|brianna|the sister|gabriella|nataliaa|anna

My Blog

Your a COMPLETE 90’s kid if...

You’re a 90’s kid if: You can finish this [ice ice _ _ _ _ ]You remember watching:-Doug-Ren & Stimpy-Pinky and the Brain-AAAAAAAH Real Monsters!-Rockos modern Life.You’ve ev...
Posted by karliski.™|305 on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:53:00 PST

Life in the new year.

Like that famous quote; "life is full of surprises", but what if the surprise that comes along isnt what you wanted?There is always gonna be one thing that you find it either regretful or affective th...
Posted by karliski.™|305 on Tue, 19 Feb 2008 01:05:00 PST