not hanging out with lazy eyed sloppy crack whores anymore.
crank calling todd peterson, purgatory, ag science, sneak attacks, churros, fags, sushi, snowplay, the woods, hessians, tall jerks, dog beach, clashing colors, positive energy, 77punk records, low brow art, trout fishing, horseraces, botany, redemption
and of course, the kracken, someday...
jawbreaker deadboys placebo heavens interpol drunkInjuns pegboy jolt undead fyp damned pixies conflict joydivision angrysamoans johnnycash velvetunderground buttholesurfers stifflittlefingers amps neildiamond wyclef luda ggallin
desperate living, lost boys, vivid videos, decline of western civilization, fear and loathing, suburbia, harold and maude, the illusionist, motel hell, friday the 13ths, little nicky, and of course the goonies~
wondershowzen! deadwood reno911