baBy EasT * zirah ♥ senget's profile picture

baBy EasT * zirah ♥ senget's

I am here for Friends

About Me

- nazirah nazaruddin
- call me zirah. 13/12/1986
- loves photography & traveling
- single but NOT available
- my family is everything tom dont u ever hurt them or u will face with BACK OFF
- friends, miss all of u!!
- i work as a Personel Asst but im into media industry
- more into the music than the singers
- more into dancing than singing
- ♥ shoes and more shoes
- ♥ faHsion but not so into it
- ♥ cat but cannot pet them =(
- ♥ pink alot but sometimes they YUCKS!
- i adore XFRESH FM
- started to keep my nails long