About Me
1st things first I have over 1000 friends on this site because I promote my on-line company through Myspace- it's www.beantownrags.com,I'm not some "Myspace friend whore"Now about me:I have taken the liberty to change my "about me" section recently (11/14/06) because I feel a lot has changed. I have gotten older, as we all do, and in doing so I have learned a few things and my ideals have changed along the way. From my profile you may see some guy with his shirt off, hell you may even say some of the photos are professionally done. I understand my profile fits that of a lot of the guys on this site. The whole "I'm a stud, wanna fuck?" type profile. That couldn't be further from the truth. Lets be honest here, on Myspace if you show some skin, your in- if you look like a slob this site isn't as much fun. Right? You got it!I want to take a moment and explain who I am and what I NOW look for.I'm now 27, almost too old to be on this childish site (but I admit it is a guilty pleasure) in the past few years I have dated, met a lot of great women, had fun and experienced a lot. I, being a testosterone driven male can say I think women are beautiful- thats a given. BUT I am at the point in my life where I have seen too many "beautiful women" who in actuality are really just into themselves and
contiune their quest to see who they can "conquer" and continue to "play the game". That's fine. I used to like the game too. I'll be honest. But after time the shit gets old. You learn to read right through these people and the bullshit that they exude at the clubs, at the bars, all the fake, pretencious, "who's who status". I used to live for it. The tits, the ass, the outfits, the dancing, the late nights, partying til 6am- all the "party favors". Been there, done that. BUT IT GETS OLD! If your younger you may not understand, thats fine- you eventually will. I've come to the conclusion I dont wanna play games anymore. I've been hurt by a woman (very recently too) who I actually cared for BECAUSE they wanted to continue to play the game AND I've also hurt really good girls because I chose to "play the game". To those girls I have grown and I'm sorry. there's just too many fake, image driven people in this world. It's really like shooting fish in a barrel, they're very easy to spot. THESE are the people who I notice continually complain about getting hurt- ya know why?- becuase they are attracted to THE image driven people who play the games, which eventually leads to them getting hurt (It happened to me, as it has many people- I cant have sympathy for you,a s you shouldn't for me- you chose that route as did I - live and learn).Maybe I'm just not cool enough, who knows?- BUT- what I do know is I will NOT give up who I am, and give up my individuality to conform to what others expect of me, or what they deem "desirable".I'd love to find just one girl, one girl who I absolutely love spending time with. Doing the things some would consider pretty lame. (to all my buddies out there, brace yourself your gonna think I'm a dick for saying this but I'm gonna be honest)I'm looking for someone who will laugh at my idiosyncrasies (for those of you who don't know- it means "personal traits"), as I would laugh at theirs, watch movies with, put up a Christmas tree, introduce to the family, go bowling/mini-golf, hold her hair back when she's puking because she's sick (No, I'm serious)-Hell maybe even discuss a book that we've both read (I dont think that has ever happen- and yes, I do read for my own enjoyment) I wanna meet someone who is interested in learning more about ME, just as much as I wanna learn about THEM- not just a "wow, your hot" - thanks, but no thanks. It gets old. There's a lot of good looking people out there- tell THEM they're hot. Go get them. I'd rather be seen for my character, my charm, my intellect, my ambition. The appearance of someone should just be icing on the cake, an added bonus.I've found myself, I suppose you could say. When you try too hard to get someone to like you (as I have)- GUESS WHAT? They're really not that interested in you. I've learned this. I want someone to be real. There are a lot of really hot girls on this site, and in any city you go too. They're everywhere- beautiful, beautiful women!!! It almost makes your head spin! BUT to me I compare it to the likes of a strip joint: you can look and think "oh she digs me" but I know "she digs your money"- she doesn't want you!!! I want someone who knows what they want and isn't disillusioned with all the "visual static" that our society bombards us with.I think thats about it....a lthough I'm sure I have more to say- you get the idea. Thanks for reading my "about me" novel :)