These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES profile picture

These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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You know what they say.. once you go black, your family disowns you!.. im just messin i heard it on comedy central a couple mins ago..
I hardly do anything but when i do i like to go out and have fun. I also like to go to concerts. As many of you who talk to me know i go to one almost every month at least.
Im pretty much considering going into the U.S. Coast Guard. I am doing a mentorship through school with the Coast Guard - Station Ashtabula.. Aaron Miller.. is awesome lol.. got some pics of us up now.. Its fun to go hang out with them and you get to see who is really guarding us "for when Canada attacks.." on their row boats.. or was it with their floaties? i cant remember but anyways yea.. The guys are awesome and they treat me like any other regular person.... i thought they would be like shut the fuck up we dont like u do this, this, this, and this. but they dont its great. But i guess according to Carl im a "Nazi and a War Monger" because i want to go into the Coast Guard.. I dont care haha its something i want to do.. so to bad for him!!
ok so if u wanna chat just IM me on aim or yahoo
aim - joelslittleslave
yahoo - joel_kristen_bam
a b o u t y o u - g i r l s.
Name:: Kristen
Age:: 17
Birthdate:: Sept. 29, 1989
Birthplace:: Ashtabula
Location:: Ashtabula.. hell hole..
Hair Color:: red
Eye Color:: green
Weight:: yea....
Height:: 5'9
Braces?: nope
Glasses/contacts?: yep...
Freckles?: yep..
Scars?: yep..
Style:: whatever u want it to be ;)
Food:: subway!!!!!
Drink:: dr. Pepper
Store(s):: Wal-mart.. haha... yea right!!
Color(s):: black and red..
Shoe Brand:: Vans..
Clothing Brand(s):: a lot of different stuff
Purse Brand(s):: a couple..
Coke/Pepsi:: either...
Bikini/One Peice:: bikini
Love/Money:: love
Resturant/Fast Food:: both...
Boy/Girl:: boy
Pop/Water:: water..
Dogs/Cats:: dogs..
Abercrombie/Walmart:: Walmart... lol yea right!!!
Night/Day:: Night
Sun/Rain:: Sun
Have You Ever
Cried in school:: yea
Laughed so hard you peed:: no but jade did at the point... lol
Seen your best friend naked:: nope...
Taken a shower with someone:: maybe ;)
Been drunk:: nope never.. in my life
Smoked:: nope never.. in my life
Cried on someones shoulder:: yea
Let someone cry on your shoulder:: yea
Slept in bed with same sex:: yea but we def. slept
Used the bathroom in front of a friend:: yea..
Do You
Smoke: nope
Do Drugs: nope
Drink: nope....
Cry often: sometimes but not often...
Change in front of your friends: no..
Talk about private things with friends: sometimes...
In the Opposite Sex
Favorite eye color:: blue..
Favorite hair color:: black..
height:: around my height usually a lil taller..
weight:: doesnt matter.. but not huge..
drink/smoke:: yea...
drugs:: doesnt matter... i dont judge..
tatoos:: its a plus...
peircings:: its a plus but not to many...
style:: a lil crazy... gotta be able to handle me..
The last.
person you hugged:: well besides my mom... kyle..
person you kissed:: dont remember...
person you talked to:: jade..
time you cried:: dont remember..
time you laughed:: a lil bit ago.. when i had jade and dustin in the car together...
thing you bought:: food...
person you yelled at:: dustin lol but i love him...
person you said i love you to:: prob dustin.... lol
person you told you they loved you:: dustin.. kinda sounds weird...
person you hit:: jade..... lol she knows exactly what im talking about....
thing you drank:: dr. pepper..
thing you ate:: pizza....
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You Are 80% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Dating & Relationship Advice
MySpace Layouts

My Interests

Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are One
Your meeting was by Choice
He/She is your Soulmate
You are his/her Best friend
Your love will Last for all eternity

You scored as Coast Guard. You are the U.S. Coast Guard! Of all the Armed Forces, you are the least armed, and the least forceful. But your job is not without merit; your services to keep U.S. waters safe and free from criminals are invaluable.

Coast Guard




Air Force





Which branch of the Military are you?
created with
You scored as OS.




























What Coast Guard rate should you be? (civilian version)
created with music
going on vacation

GREEN, Your death's colour is Green. Death of the
mind. Your heart is isolated within your mind.
You seek knowledge. You are very rare.

??Which colour of Death is yours??
brought to you by Quizilla

Who 's Your Inner Sexy Cartoon Chick ?
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They have a 1-800-number for people like you. Do your friends ever complain that they don't see you anymore? Does anyone ever say hey when is the last time you showered, ate or saw day light? MySpace can't control you, you must control it. I wouldn't be surprise if you posted a blog or a bulletin about this quiz to your friends either!
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I'd like to meet:

any one doesnt matter and some cool bands
You scored as Jigsaw. You are Jigsaw. You dont enjoy killing people at all. You instead love to see how far people will go to live. However if it ends in a bloody death, you still sleep with a smile on your face. You are intelligent, and know how to outwit just about anyone. And that spells bad news for anyone who falls into your games of death and torture.





Hannibal Lecter






Freddy Krueger


Captain Spaulding


Michael Myers


Jason Voorhees


Buffalo Bill

Which Horror Killer are You?
A really long survey....
Name: Kristen Knowlton
B-Day: Sept. 29, 1989
Age: 17
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Red
Height: 5'10 or so i dont know for sure
Best Feature: Nothing haha.. i dont know prob. my sense of humor
Addictions: Lots of things..
Piercings: ears.. and i want a couple more
Tattoos: none yet..
Overused Phrase:: Most of the things i say to jade.. haha
Favorite/Most Important
Feature of the opposite sex: Hair/eyes..
Starbucks Drink: Dont know..??
Season: Summer for the boat..
Number:: 56
Song: Brand New Girlfriend.. or Honky tonk badonkadonk
Color:: Black and red
Drink:: Dr. Pepper
Movie:: a couple
Perferred Eye Color:: blue
Perferred Hair Color:: blonde
Short Hair or Long Hair...: Either
Perferred Height:: taller than me
Perferred Weight: doesnt matter
Looks or Personality...: personality
Hot or Cute...: Hot
Brunettes or Blondes: Blondes
Clothing Style: Any..
nice or mean: Nice
quiet or outgoing?: outgoing
easy or hard to get?: either..
Smart or dumb: smart but can be dumb at times..
Would you want her to make the first move?: well no not really because i would prob turn a girl down but i want a guy to make the first move.. lol
Current Relationship
Do you have a boy/girlfriend: nope
Where did you meet: we didnt meet yet..
How long have you been together: 0 years..
What is your anniversary date: .. dont have one
Were you attracted to them from the first moment you saw them: sure even tho i havent saw them yet atleast i dont think..
Do you trust him/her: sure y not..
Have you cheated on him/her: nope i wouldnt do that
Is it love: sure..
What's the furthest you've gone?: all the way ;) haha
Where is the craziest place you have made out.: in my head.. lol
How long do you think this relationship is going to last.: hopefully not forever..
Have You Ever
Drank?: nope never not me... ;)
Smoked?: nope never not me ..
Been Beaten Up?: prob..
Played Spin The Bottle or 7 Minutes In Heaven?: sure
Been in love: no..
Told someone you love them: yea
Asked someone out: no
Kissed the same sex: no.
Like Someone And Not Tell Them How You Felt?: yea.. do that all the time..
Went Fishing: uhh yea thats what we do all the time on our boat
Had A Crush On Your Brother/Sister's Friend?: uhh hasnt every little sister had a crush on their brothers friends..
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It was Funny?: all the time..
Been To A Nude Beach?: nope
Been Called A Whore/Slut For Kissing Someone?: yea
Burnt Yourself?: oh yea..
Been Dumped?: yea
Had sex in a car: nope.. haha ;) no really i havent..
Dumped Someone?: yea
Bought Lottery Tickets?: nope
Made Out In A Car?: yea
Made Love On The Beach?: nope
Made Out W/ A Stranger?: nope
Made Out W/ Someone Who Wasnt Single?: yea
Talked To A Complete Stranger?: yea
Threw Up In School?: yea.. 6th grade that was badd..
Cursed Infront Of Your Parents?: oh yea..
Won A Pool Game?: yea
Had An Eating Disorder?: nope
Cheated On Your Other?: nope
Been Cheated On?: yea
Been Paid To Date Someone?: nope
Dated Someone That Was Paid or Dared To Date You?: nope
Been Pantsed In Public?: ... nope
Broke Someone's Heart?: i dont know for sure..
Done Something Stupid And Laughed At Yourself?: every day i hang out with jade..
Been Walked In On While You Were Dressing?: yea..
Been Walked In On While Showering?: yea..
Been In Detention?: yea..
Feel Off A Roof?: oh yea.. just cuz im stupid
Been In A Wreck?: yep.. school parking lot.. haha LINDIE!!
Made someone cry: yea prob..
Given someone a hickey: dont remember.. ;)
Broken someones heart: prob.. dont know tho..
Kissed on the first date: yea..
This or That
Strawberries/Blueberries: Both
TV/Movie: Either
Hugs/Kisses: Kisses but hugs too..
Day/Night: Night
Cheerios/Corn Flakes: Cheerios..
Snickers/MilkyWay: Both its chocolate..
Sprinkles/Icing: Icing
Cookie/Donut: Either but prob more donuts than cookies..
Cake/Pie: Cake.. but apple pie.. depends on the day.
Coke/Pepsi: Either one of their products but coke more than pepsi..
McDonalds or Burger King...: McDonalds.. lol LINDIE!!
Chocolate or Vanilla...: Vanilla
Coffee or Hot Chocolate...: Hot Chocolate..
Scary Movies or Romantic Comedies: Either but prob scary movies..
Love or Money: Love
Lights on or off: Off
Truth or dare: Dare
Grind or Slow Dance: Grind
Regret Something You Did In The Past?: Yea thats like everyday..
Country You Wanna Visit:: i dont know right now..
Way You Wanna Die:: fast..
Get Along W/ Your Parents?: sure..
R U A Health Freak?: no
U Think Ur Attractive?: no
Do You Believe In Yourself?: no
Do you think you're smart?: sure..
Wanna Get Married?: yea
Shower Daily?: eww.. no y would i do that.. well of course
Want Kids?: yea
When Do U Wanna Lose Your Virginity?: .. whenever
Do U Hate Anyone?: a couple people
Can You Unwrap A Starburst W/ Your Tongue?: never tried but prob.
Do You Think You Can Sing?: no..
Can You Open You Eyes Underwater?: yea if i dont have my contacts in i have lost so many this summer from that..
Eat Whatever And Not Worry?: yea
Can You Multitask?: yea.. im good at that while im driving..
Touch Your Nose W/ Your Tongue?: yea.. i guess..
Can You Taste The Difference Between Pepsi And Coke?: sure..
If You Could Wish 4 Anything...What Would You Wish?: love
What Kind Of Perfume Or Colone Do You Wear?: Love spell... or wait what was it.. the killer.. haha Jade.. but on a guy def. adidas moves... smells sooo good..
What Kind Of Soap Do You Use?: whatever is in the shower..
Where do you think you will go when you die: Hell!!
Smiled for no reason?:: Yea
Do you kiss and tell?: sure y not..
Can you juggle?: yea for a sec.. until they fall on the floor.
Can you do a backflip?: yea in the water..
What was the last book you read: the happy bunny book.. in the library haha
How many boy/girlfriends have you had in the past?: dont know..
Have any of your dreams ever come true: Umm yea the really creapy ones..
Do you wish you could fly: Yea to get over everyone when they are being slow.
Have any of your wishes ever come true: a couple.. but rarely
What is your average mood during the day: Tired..
Do you know how to swim: Yea.. i gotta for the Coast Guard.
Do you wish you could win the lottery: yea i could be a rich motherf@*#er..
Have you ever lied about your age: yea all the time..
Do you think you can dance: when i drink..
Tongue or no tongue: ??? i have a dirty mind when it comes to this question..
Do you like your name: sure..
Favorite artist: Dont know..
Have you learned anything about yourself this past year.: Yea.. im a GREAT driver..
Message you would like to send your ex-boy/girlfriends?: Go to hell and Fuck off..
Single or Group Dates: single
Your Weakness: guys..
Do looks even matter to you?: sometimes... but not really.
If you could go into the future, what day would it be?: my 21st b-day..
Do you think your invincible: no my car has showed me that one..
What is the first thing you do after you wake up: Say fuck this and roll back over for a few mins..
Do you believe in love at first sight: no not really
Can you type without looking at the keyboard?: yea
Have an obsession?]: yea
Do you care what people think of you?: not really
What is your busiest day?: the days i work..
Favorite memories high school: none i hate that school..
The craziest thing you've done: went to lake shore park.. in the snow.. yea enough said..
am: Awesome..
Like: Guys..
Love: myself..
Hate: you..
Live for: my life.
Would die for: nothing..
Will Always: hate you..
Have been known for: running into stopped cars..
About MySpace
Are you a MySpace addict?: not really
What day did you take this survey on?: Dec. 22nd.. 2006
Have you divulged too much information on this survey?: no..
Anything you want to add?: this took to long and now i have to go to walmart..
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The Used
The Unseen
Amish Electric Chair
The Vacancies
Green Day
Bouncing Souls
Bad Religion
Less Than Jake
Matchbook Romance
The Midnight Society
Gym Class Heroes
The Academy Is..
Something Corporate
Taking Back Sunday
Fall Out Boy


then and now
Ladder 49
Raise your voice
Little black book
Hitch -
--Because that's what people do. They leap, and hope to God they can fly, because otherwise you just drop like a rock, wondering the whole way down "Why in the hell did I jump?" But here I am, Sarah, falling, and the only one that makes me feel like I can fly is you.
--Life is not about the breath's you take but about the moments that take your breath away
2 good quotes from hitch
*~*Your top 4 and you!*~*
Name them!!!!
#1: Jason
#2: Molly
#3: Matt
#4: Jade
Name: Kristen
Age: 17
DOB: 9/29/89
About #1!!!!!
Why are they #1?: Cuz hes the motherfuckin' pirate of lake eire
Do you like this person?: sure.. y not..
Do you love this person?: no hes got a wife and kids..
About how tall are they?: like my height.. maybe a lil shorter.
What color hair do they have?: i think brown maybe blonde..
Do you think that they are hott??: uhh yea
Would you ever date them?: nope wife and kids
What color are their eyes?: dont know..
What is their best phisical feature?: his body..
Desribe this person in one word.: hot.. haha
Do you have anything in common with this person?: he likes the water and boats as much as i do
What do you like best about their personality?: hes awesome and hyper and will eat fries off the ground..
When will you see this person next?: next summer..or in wal-mart
Do They Make You Smile?: yea on the boat..
Would/did you ever hug this person?: yea. all the time..
Kiss?: nope
Would you do anything for this person?: yea
Are they your best friend?: sure.. haha
Can they Dance?: no..
Can they sing?: no!
What do you want to say to this person?: i got your pirate flag!!
Why is this person #2 not 1?: b/c pirates #1 and thats just it..
How do you describe this person?: Funny and nice
Is this person a girl or boy?: girl
Do you have any inside jokes?: oh yea...
If so, What?: it wouldnt be inside.. but hey.. lets just say.. falling in the river..
Have you ever dated them?: uhh no..
Ever Gone Swimming Together?: yea when we fell off the jet skiis
Do Your Parents Like This Person?: uhh yea they hang out all the time and get drunk
Does this person's parents like you?: i dont know this persons parents lol
On A Scale Of 1 to 5 How Much does this person Mean To You?: 10
Ever Done Anything Stupid Together?: oh yea every summer..
Have They Ever Been Over To Your House?: i dont know i know she is down at my summer house.. (the boat) all summer long..
Have you ever been to thiers?: yea to pick her up
Is this person your best friend?: sure..
What Kind Of Music Do They Like?: all different kinds of things
Do They Drink, Smoke, Or Do Drugs?: drink, smoke.. dont think the drugs but u never know with her..
Would You Ever Stick Up For Them?: yea..
How Old Are They?: 37
Do They Have Their Belly Button Pierced?: i dont know..
Are they in a relationship?: nope.. well yea
If so, with who?: with me ;)..
~~Number 3~~
Ever Have The Same Classes As Eachother?: nope..
Does This Person Completely Rock?: yea..
Is This Person Pretty?: yea.. pretty hot!
Do They Have A BF/GF?: i dont know right now.
Does This Person Have A Nickname For You?: yea psycho..
Does This Person Know You?: yea
Has This Person Ever Wanted To Go Out With You?: i dont know..
How long have you known this person?: a while we knew each other when we were younger..
Are They A Virgin?: i dont know..
Do you love them?: i dont know..
Do You Have Fun With this person?: yea..
Have You Ever Been In A Fight?: no..
Have you ever bought this person anything?: nope
Can this person dance?: i havent seen him dance so i dont know..
Has this person ever slept over at your house?: nope
What's one song that you think of when you think of this person?: smack that! lol..
Do you like their hair?: yea..
On a scale 1-10 how hott is this person?: 100!! haha..
How would you react if they kissed you?: prob. punch her..
Do you trust this person?: yea
Are they easy to talk to?: yea
Do they have siblings?: yea
What color is their hair?: black..
Eyes?: dont know..
Does this person like you?: hell no
How tall is this person?: shorter than me..
Are they a boy or girl?: girl
Would you ever hug them?: yea sure but not anything more than a hug..
kiss them?: hell no
Date them?: nope
Do you talk to them alot?: yea.. everyday almost..
Would you give this person $100 if you won $1000000?: i wold prob give her more than a 100
What do you like most about this person?: her personality
Would you go on vacation with this person?: no cuz she never takes me.. wait we are going on a cruise..
Why are they number 4, why not number 1?: because she is #4 and thats all that can be said..
Is this person single?: yea
Is this person in school?: yea
If yes what grade?: 11
Do 1 and 2 make a cute couple?: no molly might get beat up by batina
2 and 4?: uh no i would kill both jade and molly lol.. that would be wrong..
4 and 1?: sure.. they would be hot but i would kill jade..
3 and 1?: uhh eww i would hate them too..
3 adn 4?: sure.. they would make a cute couple.. lol
2 and 3?: no god no..
Do they all know each other?: nope.. 1,2, and 4 know each other but #3 only knows #4 haha from all summer..
Are they friends?: 1,2,and 4 you could say that.. but not matt and jade or anybody..
Do any of them like each other?: yea.. they are all loving people
Who's the...
Hottest?: jason
Cutest?: molly...
Most Lucky?: def. not jade.. prob matt.
best singer?: jade. which is scarey
Best dancer?: matt..
Most athletic?: jason
Smartest?: matt.
Oldest?: molly..
Youngest?: jade
best artist?: dont know..
Best Actor/actress?: dont know..
Most popular?: jason.. with the girls..
most understanding?: jason
Funniest?: prob molly or jade..
Most Shy?: matt
Most proper?: matt..
best Dressed?: jason.. little gay boy
person with the best style?: jason.. little gay boy haha
most crushed on?: jason.. lol
most confident?: dont know.
Do you hang out with the most?: jade
Call the most?: jade
message the most?: jade
Like the most?: none of them.. lol prob matt..
Do you live closest to?: jade
do you live farthest from??: jason damn conneaut people
Makes you smile the most?: jade
Cheers you up the most?: jade
gives the best hugs?: matt..
is the most easily satisfied?: Molly.. haha give her a beer and she'll be happy
do you miss the most?: jason.. pirate ship
Do you want to be with now?: any of them..
Loves you the most?: dont know..
comments you most?: jade
ever hurt you?: none of them..
Ever hated you?: i dont know.. none of them that i know..
Have you ever fallen in love with anyone on the list?: no comment..
If you had to pick one who would be the most annoying person?: Jade..
Which do u know you'll forget?: none of them..
Do you act like anyone on the list?: Jade
Do do try to impress anyone on the list?: all of them im a fake..
who gets on your nevers the most?: jade
How many guys do you have?: 2
Girls??: 2
Who has the best Smile?: dont know..
Name something good about each of them.
1: Pirate ship..
2: Fun to be around
3: sweet
4: retarded..
**LOVE--turn on or off**
Glasses?: doesnt matter
Blonde hair?: on
Curls?: on!! majorly..
Can sing?: doesnt matter
Can dance?: doesnt matter
Outgoing?: on
shy?: doesnt matter
popular?: off
Smart?: on
braces?: doesnt matter
blue eyes?: on
hazel eyes?: on
Is a cheerleader/footbal player?: off
In band?: doesnt matter
Listens to rap?: doesnt matter
Rock?: on
country?: on
Everything?: on
This or that??
Money or love?: Love
Big or small?: Big
Smile or frown?: Smile
Tears of joy or tears of sorrow?: Joy
Couch or bed?: Bed
Chocolate or vanilla?: Vanilla
Cat or dog?: Dog..
Books or television?: Television but i dont have time for either..
Fruits or vegetables?: both
Hot chocolate or gingerale?: hot chocolate
Lemonade or soda?: lemonade
Food or friends?: Friends and food
Belle or Jasmine?: Jasmine..
Disney or Warner Brothers?: Disney.. tinkerbell
Good boy/girl or bad boy/girl?: both..
Moon or stars?: Stars
Science fiction or fantasy: Fantasy
Guy or girl?: Guy
Beach or lake?: Lake
Skinny or fat?: Either
Tall or short?: Either perferrably taller
Jeans or Shorts?: both
In the Oppisite sex....
FAVE Hair Color: blonde
FAVE Eye Color: blue
fAVE Height: taller than me
fave Age: doesnt matter.. wait Jade.. umm. 14 ;)
romantic?: yea sure
sweet or hott?: both
older or younger?: doesnt matter
Why?: i dont care.. as long as they love me
Are you glad it's over?: yea
What would you like to SAY to everyone????: Fuck off.. haha
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Dog the bounty hunter, inked, criss angel mindfreak, and some other shows i cant think of right now


the boy with the thorne in his side(hell yes everyone should go check it out)
go ask alice


well... mike haha yea hes just the greatest influence in the world... well no maybe not haha i dont know???
colin cuz hes just god and everyone loves him!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love by ruby mae
Your name
Your partner
You two are One
Your meeting was by Choice
He/She is your Soulmate
You are his/her Best friend
Your love will Last for all eternity

My Blog

Im a bold person....

Put in bold those which apply to you:::::1. my eyes change color depending on what i'm wearing.2. i make wishes on fallen eyelashes.3. i make wishes on shooting stars & when the clock reads 11:11....
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 11:45:00 PST

For my coasties... and veterans...!!!

    So.. its veterans day.. and well i got to say that i will def. be thinking about all my coast guard guys.. Miller, Bennett, Mcabee, Austin, Perkins, Gagne, Ellena, Czako, Baker, Kin...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:32:00 PST

Its Fuckin' Funny how...

I find it pretty funny that people can say shit when there is something inbetween them and the person.. like a car or something.. but they cant say it to their face.. and i know by tomorrow it will be...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 01:38:00 PST

What a great day!!! So much happened.... lol

I got some good news and some bad news... The good news.. So yea... how bout the fact that Lindie, sheree, and tash got Homecoming Court.. pretty awesome... The the bad....... As im leaving school li...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 12:12:00 PST

so i have an idea........ u gotta help me out..

so i have an idea and u guys need to help me figure out if i should do it or not...   I was thinking about taking the pirate flag from the mother@#%k'in pirate of lake erie and holding ...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 09:04:00 PST


Dude so i found out recently that i am a oldifile and also a homeburner.... lol....   I DONT WRECK HOMES I BURN THEM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!! haha no one can stop me now... just see jades profile.. haha...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Fri, 21 Jul 2006 04:52:00 PST

I find it funny when.........

I find it funny how people can talk behind your back but they cant say it to your face. The best part about it is when they think you dont know but you really do.. Oh well doesnt affect me since ...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 05:18:00 PST

My Yearbook!!

myYearbook is the ultimate online yearbook, and it's revolutionizing high school social life everywhere it goes! You can connect to people in your school based on your favorite music, tv, pizza place,...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Sat, 11 Mar 2006 07:31:00 PST

Such wonderful distain, no wonder im bitter.

haha i soooo stole this from colin.. but i told him i was going to before i did so i guess that counts as not stealing it but oh well. im like hyper and i dont know what is wrong with my tonight haha....
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 07:24:00 PST


A - AVAILABLE?YesB - BEST FRIEND:rissa and victoriaC - Crush:well we all know who it is... well the people who have recently talked to me or know something about me..D - DADS NAME:jamieE - EASIEST PER...
Posted by These are my people!!!! THE BEVERLY HO-BILLIES on Sun, 05 Feb 2006 04:34:00 PST