Arts Baking Banjo Conundrums Drawing Energy Friction Ghosts Hierophants Ideas Juxtapositions Kriolu Language Meow Nature Octopuses Portuguese Passion Quality Ragamuffins Sculpture Talent Utopia Vaguear Wallabies Xedres Yes Zoology
A swimmingly nice box owner who knows what Frotteurism is and can to jingle while I juggle Animal lovers and people who are willing to live around animal lovers Artists and lovers of the arts Funny people Beautiful people (inside or out) Intense people Honest people People who challenge me People who can talk about anything Risk takers Drinking buddies Idealists Liberals and reasonable Republicans who can justify why they believe what they believe Quiet people who like to talk sometimes Anyone who makes me laugh Traveling buddies Folks that can deal with long silences and Folks that can fill them Performers Expatriates God
John Wayne (the band) Django Reinhardt Scratchy old French jazz Johnny Cash Cape Verde Funana and Morna Tom Waits Flametrick Subs Radiohead The Smiths The Pixies Ween Billy Bragg Whatever is playing
The Princess Bride Betty Blue Breaker Morant Requiem for a Dream Legend Office Space Midnight Express City of Lost Children Cemetry Man Raiders of the Lost Ark Harrold and Maude 8 1/2 Usual Suspects Best in Show
Oops, I forgot to watch TV! but what about Artists: Linda Montano/ Heyd Fontenot/ Joel Peter Whitkin/ Joseph Turrel/ H. Bosch/ E. Degas/ Late F. Goya/ E. Schiele/ J.M.W. Turner/ H. Cartier Bresson/ Man Ray/ The Art Guys/ Mathew Barney/ Marcel Duchamp/ Joseph Beuys
Hope for the Flowers The Peoples History of America Liars Club A Hundred Years of Solitude Stardust Poisonwood Bible Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep The Giving Tree The Sneeches Alice-Through the looking glass The Little Prince
Slop Dick, Gerd Bonk, Drawbridge Znuk, Tripod the oldest dawg evah, Megalopolis, Linda Montano,Mel Ziglar, Heyd Fontenot, Nevic Donnely,Ric Salvati, Stripe the catapillar,Heather, the Fool, Minde Wallace, Blaine,Kyle-More-Goth-Than-You! So many to mention,, ask me again later.