Lady of Luxury profile picture

Lady of Luxury

The eternal yes...

About Me

Pure luxury...Queen of sarcasm...Fan of high waistlines and plunging necklines...Short white gloves for Sunday brunch please..Gardener extrodinare...A true lady always wears an apron in the kitchen...Biggest Roddy Frame fan ever... I don't give refunds.
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My Interests

Warm vintage coats that smell like cocktail parties. The secret lives of jellyfish.Igloos. Sealing wax (and the lost art of).Neruda. Birds nests. Crayons(and melting them). Developing a silent movie with Kenny. Cheesy toast. Homo-erotic films that actually deliver.Quality time with my old doggies.Haberdashery.Throwing luxurious dinner parties for my dear friends. I've given up all hope on Nick Rhodes from Duran Duran so I might take up needle point to fill the void.

I'd like to meet:

Peter O'toole.Anyone who would like to join me for afternoon tea.The Scarlet Pimpernel. Polar bears.Thundercats.Edith Piaf. Croquet enthusiasts, Uno players. A falconer and a falcon. Itzpapalotl, claws retracted.


Aztec Camera,Depeche Mode,Charlatans,Echo & the Bunneymen,Duran Duran,Oasis, My Bloody Valentine,Style Council,Jesus and MAry Chain,Serge "the man" Gainsbourg,Red House Painters,Stone Roses,Snow Patrol,Aberfeldy,Stereophonics, Mogwai, Sonic Youth,The Beatles, Sigur Ros,Sundays,Buckley,Turin Brakes,Smiths, Interpol ,This Mortal Coil, Sean Lennon, Police, Pheonix, ELO,Mundy,Madonna,Rod Stewart,Carole King,Malcolm Middleton, Furs,Simon and Garfunkel,Arab Strap,Franz Ferdinand,The Cure,James Taylor,Blur,Belle & Sebastian,The Catherine Wheel,Edith Piaf and my grandfather Pedro Infante.


Doctor Zhivago, Lawrence of Arabia, Whitnail & I,The English Patient, Y tu Mama Tambien, Betty Blue,The Umbrellas of Cherbourgh, Goldfinger, Virgin Suicides, Lost in Translation,The Graduate, Quadrophenia, Solaris,American Beauty, Orlando,Closer,Jules and Jim, The Ruling Class, City of Lost Children, Room With a View,Kenneth Branaugh's Hamlet,Delicatessen,Leon & Buffalo 66 (isn't that Vincent Gallo something?).


Myth Busters,Rome and The Mighty Boosh!


The Life of Pi, Still Life with Woodpecker, The Griffin & Sabine Trilogy, The Unbearable Lightness of Being, The Sun Also Rises , Brideshead Revisited, Franny & Zooey,The Edible Woman,The Count of Monte Cristo,Love in the Time of Cholera,Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Oscar Wilde's great imaginings and anything that went from mind to paper by DH Lawrence. Last read - The Time Travelers Wife (****).


My Obuelita (granny),Ceasar Chavez, Frida Kahlo,Bill Maher, Jimmy Carter and bartenders with a heavy hand.

My Blog

Coachella part 4 - the finale!

This wasn't Page's best morning - she got a slight case of sunstroke the day before and was! After a shower and an attempt to eat some lunch (where a table full of drunk LA guys kept...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Mon, 14 May 2007 08:01:00 PST

Amending last blog entry

Forgot Arcade Fire.... swoon! 9 points.
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:31:00 PST

Coachella part 3 (the music continues despite hangovers)

After a long hot day and a rather eventful night of drinking we were a bit worse for the wear - but it wasn't anything a bloody mary and a swim couldn't fix (thankfully). We headed out with M and his ...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:28:00 PST

Coachella part 2 (and now the music)...

Pina Coladas poolside to start the morning... a swim and then we were off... thanks to M we were shuffled rather illegally through the back not having to spend an hour in the main line (bless you!)......
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Wed, 02 May 2007 08:09:00 PST

Coachella part 1

Arrived in Palm Springs 11am on Thursday morning to have a day of tourist related what-not and possibly some pool time... after a pedicure (oh joy!) and our first drink of the day, Page and I ventured...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Wed, 02 May 2007 07:53:00 PST

Fried Pickles and Grindhouse

In honor of Neil's birthday we went to see Grindhouse last night....... the Rodriguez/Tarantino double feature with delicious Rose McGowan, Rosario Dawson and the blond girl from The Last Kiss.....Gre...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 12:19:00 PST

So far behind - where should I begin?

Mariane has come and gone but it should not go without mention - it was AMAZING to see my best girl! A week of seeing old friends, revisiting old haunts, black matching m/p's,Jo's on Congress, impromp...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 05:32:00 PST

bad phone manners (or how I learned to hang up on people)

I had a 15 minute meditation session on my swing in the front yard... conclusions? Breathe deeper, drink more water and avoid phone calls from rude people who don't know a favor when it hits them in t...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 12:57:00 PST

Children of Men or how I learned to love Clive

Teeth grinding, hair pulling on the verge of tears every ten minutes kind of film....... just go and see it (and tell Clive Owen I sent you - bless his little heart). Best suprise? Michael F-ing Caine...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 09:30:00 PST

okay, I'm done with winter...

It's almost February - time for Spring weather in Texas. I need it immediately. This overcast, rainy, dreary stuff has caused me to listen to The Smith's and Mazzy Star all day -now I'm having a cravi...
Posted by Lady of Luxury on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:17:00 PST